23 - Leo Has Jealousy Issues

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The conversation didn't last long, just enough time to tell Thalia about the quest and exchange ideas about why Jason spoke Latin and had tattoos and called the gods by their Roman names.

"I have to get moving." Thalia stood. "Otherwise I'll lose the other Hunters' trail. First, though, I'll take you to Aeolus's palace."

"If you can't, it's okay," Jason said, though he sounded kind of distressed.

"Oh, please." Thalia smiled and helped him up. "I haven't had a brother in years. I think I can stand a few minutes with you before you get annoying. Besides, I need to have a talk with Becca."

"She doesn't like people calling her that," Leo blurted out. He probably sounded all matter-of-fact, but he didn't care.

Thalia raised her eyebrows at him. "Right. how long have you known her?"

"Three months, I think," Leo replied.

"Then of course she wouldn't want you calling her Becca. I've known her for three years, since the day Percy and I brought her and her brother to Camp Half-Blood. I call her Becca because I've earned it. Got it?"

"Yeah," Leo muttered.

When Leo saw how well his friends were being treated, he was thoroughly offended.

He'd imagined them freezing their hindquarters off in the snow, but the Hunter Phoebe had set up this silver tent pavilion thing right outside the cave. How she'd done it so fast, Leo had no idea, but inside was a kerosene heater keeping them toasty warm and a bunch of comfy throw pillows. Piper and Rebecca looked back to normal. All three of the girls were decked out in new parkas, gloves, and camo pants like the Hunters. Atretes and Hedge were chilling out and drinking hot chocolate. Rebecca looked genuinely happy to be staking out on a mountain. She, Piper, and Cleodora laughed with the Hunters. As they got closer, Leo realized that they were trying to teach Cleodora how to rap.

"Oh, no way," Leo said, swallowing his envy. "We've been sitting in a cave and you get the luxury tent? Somebody give me hypothermia. I want hot chocolate and a parka!"

Phoebe sniffed. "Boys," she said, like it was the worst insult she could think of. Rebecca snickered and muttered something in Phoebe's ear, causing the girl to smirk.

"It's all right, Phoebe," Thalia said. "They'll need extra coats. And I think we can spare some chocolate."

Phoebe grumbled, but soon Leo and Jason were also dressed in silvery winter clothes that were incredibly lightweight and warm. The hot chocolate was first-rate.

"Cheers!" said Coach Hedge. He crunched down his plastic thermos cup.

"That cannot be good for your intestines," Leo said.

"This is one dam snack bar, Thalia," Rebecca said.

Thalia cracked up. "You want a dam T-Shirt to go with it?"

They started laughing their heads off.

"What?" Jason wondered.

"Nothing," Rebecca said, but she was still smiling.

"Inside joke," Thalia agreed. She patted Piper on the back. "You up for moving?"

Piper nodded. "Thanks to Phoebe, yeah. You guys are really good at this wilderness survival thing. I feel like I could run ten miles."

Thalia winked at Jason. "She's tough for a child of Aphrodite. I like this one."

"Hey, I could run ten miles too," Leo volunteered. "Tough Hephaestus kid here. Let's hit it."

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