3 - The Roman Goes Greek

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Rebecca couldn't believe it.

She'd found Jason Grace.

And he didn't remember who he was.

What freaked her out even more was that she had snapped at him and acted so suspicious of him. Leave it to her to mess things up with the praetor of the Twelfth Legion. If and when he got his memory back, he wasn't going to be very happy with her.

She'd just have to pretend not to know him. Her father had warned her: She must be careful. One wrong move could start a war.

She'd come a long way since the Titan War. She'd gone from a scary warrior leader from Kronos' army to a quiet wallflower who preferred to stay in the shadows. The campers at Camp Half-Blood had gone from backing away from her nervously when she entered a room to glaring at her distrustfully. Most of them, anyway.

Joining Luke and the Titans had been the worst choice of her life. She had ruined many people's lives, just because she'd wanted something impossible: Bianca.

Her twin sister had died a few years ago when they'd gone with Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, and Grover Underwood to save Annabeth and the goddess Artemis from the titan Atlas. They'd passed through Hephaestus' junkyard, and even though they'd been warned not to touch anything, Rebecca couldn't resist taking a Mythomagic statue of Hades for her brother Nico. The action had resulted in awakening a prototype of Talos, a giant metal automaton. Bianca had sacrificed herself to shut Talos down and save everyone else.

Luke had appeared to her while they were at Hoover Dam and told her to contact him if she was up for joining Kronos' army to get her sister back. Hesitantly, and not wanting to betray Percy and Thalia when they'd been so kind and helpful to her, Rebecca told him no. She'd expected Luke to get angry and strike her down with his sword, but he'd simply smiled grimly and handed her a ring with a scythe charm on it and told her to tap the scythe if she changed her mind.

Rebecca had been dreading telling Nico about Bianca's death up until the moment she'd returned to Camp Half-Blood, but it turned out she didn't have to. Percy reluctantly did it for her, and she followed Nico when he ran away from Camp. It was then that they were claimed by their father Hades and realized they could use their Underworldly powers to bring back Bianca. King Minos' ghost had guided them through the Labyrinth to find Daedelus to trade his soul with Bianca's so the di Angelo siblings could have their sister back. Their efforts had failed when Percy and Bianca's spirit told them not to bring Bianca back. It wasn't natural, and Bianca wanted to try for rebirth.

Instead of accepting it as Nico had, Rebecca got angry and ran off into the night to join Kronos' army. Luke had been pleased to welcome her into the Titan's service, and she'd quickly progressed to a very high rank. It was there she'd met Nathan Westbay, a son of Hermes. The two became friends, and for a time hoped to be more than friends until the day Percy and Beckendorf blew up the Princess Andromeda. Rebecca had literally ripped out Beckendorf's heart and crushed it before the ship exploded. She and several other crew members had made it off the ship, but Nathan hadn't.

And the worst part? Kronos hadn't even arranged a proper funeral for him nor the others who'd died in the explosion. That was when Rebecca realized Kronos couldn't care less about any of the demigods in his service and escaped his army. She found Nico and expressed her determination to help the Olympians. Nico asked her to help convince their father to fight for Olympus, which she did gladly. It was thanks to her and Nico that they vanquished many of the enemies that were fought that day.

Percy and Annabeth had accepted her apology and invited her to return to Camp Half-Blood, where they were planning to build more cabins for the children of minor gods and Hades. Clarisse had also accepted her, surprisingly, and Rebecca was positive a large amount of it was due to the fact that she'd helped Silena Beauregarde escape Kronos' army. Many of the gods were distrustful of her also, and it took Hades throwing his Helm of Darkness at Hera to convince everyone to allow Rebecca to live. Hera retaliated by cursing her and sending hordes of intestinally challenged cows after her (She couldn't do anything to Hades, but she could sure as hell do everything in her power to piss Rebecca off).

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