34 - Buford is Offended by Windex

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Rebecca was in the Training Area, fighting with Jason. He was the perfect opponent. He wasn't overly aggressive like Clarisse, and they were at about the same skill level, so each training session was a challenge. And, as it turned out, Jason had a competitive side, one that Clarisse gleefully exploited during training whenever she paired them up.

Right now it was just the two of them, and Anne and Piper, who were watching from a few feet away. Piper was definitely improving; her skills with a knife were outstanding, almost as good as Annabeth's. Anne, although she was better at archery, was always pleased to spar with Piper when Annabeth couldn't.

Rebecca dodged another kick and slipped around him, trying to tire him out so she could strike, but Jason was holding out longer than she was expecting. Finally, when he seemed to be tiring, she lunged at him and punched. Jason grabbed her wrist and flipped her over his shoulder. Not what Rebecca had been expecting, but Rebecca rolled with it, grabbing his ankle and twisting her body around his leg, using his weight to bring him down. As soon as Jason went down, Rebecca pinned him down, raising an eyebrow triumphantly.

"Touche," Jason said, grinning, and Rebecca helped him up.

"And the victor, for the third time in a row, is Rebecca," Anne announced. "We should find something else to do, it's getting rather boring watching you two-- what was the phrase again? 'Beat each other around?' "

"Up," Piper corrected her. "Beat each other up."

"Yes, it's boring."

Rebecca, who'd received a black eye from this past round, looked at Anne incredulously. Jason, who had a blossoming bruise, complete with a scrape, looked just as incredulous.

Life at camp was good. The Argo II was slowly progressing from just a frame to a frame with planks. It was starting to look like a real boat. She'd been having lots of fun with her friends during capture the flag and that mock naval battle they'd had. She'd managed to drag Leo along so he wouldn't miss out, and though she knew he'd never admit it, like the workaholic he was, Rebecca was pretty sure he was glad she'd forced him to participate. She'd even managed to convince Atretes to give up the life debt, and he'd been managing well as an honorary Ares camper.

Thinking about Leo must've summoned him somehow, because he came running into the Training Arena. Rebecca was about to call out a greeting when she saw the look on his face.

"What happened?" She asked him. "The scaffolding didn't fall again, did it?"

"No," Leo replied. "Much worse. Buford ran away, and he's got both syncopators in his drawers."

Rebecca was ready to bet she was the only one outside of his cabin who knew how bad that was. Leo had explained to her last month how the Argo's engine worked, how there was a table named Buford who toted around his tools and held the syncopator, which was what kept all of the dangerously powerful fluids from venting into the combustion chamber and causing a huge explosion.

"Styx," she cursed. "I'm coming."

Jason and Piper glanced at each other before announcing they would help, too. All three of them looked at Anne expectantly.

"Does it have anything to do with Google?" asked Anne, who still hadn't gotten an explanation about what Google was.


"Oh, fine. Just don't bore me to death, that's all."

Rebecca sighed. "Anne, you're already dead."

"Thanks for reminding me," Anne muttered, rolling her eyes.

The moment they got to the Bunker, Leo started storming around, cursing himself.

"So the wee tinker does have a potty-mouth!" Anne pointed out with delight. Rebecca elbowed her and gave her a glare to drive the point home.

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