Chapter Two

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It was not until Adam and I walked into the room, that I realized he had made me completely forget about Roxanne, and all of the things that she said. Which were so untrue. I have never even had a boyfriend, let alone have sex. Although I could believe the fat parts, and the parts about me being a horrible actress; I just took this class for my art credit. Don't get me wrong, I Iove the arts; I signed up to take the painting class, but it was full, so this was my last resort.

I walked in as if nothing had happened, and Adam by my side made that a lot easier. I introduced him to Mr.Greene, who had kindly asked me to show Adam the ropes around the school, as to which I was only too happy to oblige. Roxanne immediatley noticed Adam and started to stalk towards him, pursing her Angelina lips.

"Hey, new boy, where ya from?" Roxanne casually hung her arm on Adams broad shoulder, one hand on her hip. I immediatley started to feel the jealousy creep up my spine. I had to keep cool, though; I started clenching my fists.

"I'm from Toronto; my family moved here because of my mom's job. It was a total bummer at first, but now I'm starting to see that maybe it won't be so bad, afterall."

Roxanne started giggling like crazy, assuming that he had been talking to her, but the whole time he had been answering her question, he had been looking at me. I started to blush. When Roxanne finally caught on, she cleared her throat. "You should come hang with me and my friends at lunch." She said it like it was a demand, not a suggestion.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna be hanging with Devyn at lunch, right Dev?" Did he seriously just give me a nickname!? I had to silently tell myself to calm down, and to act as cool as possible. "Yeah, sounds great." The bell rang just as Roxanne was about to justify why Adam should hang with her. I walked towards my bag, and I could feel hot breathe on my neck.

"If you know what's good for you, you will stay away from him, slut." I turned to see Roxanne glare at me with her piercing blue eyes. Of course, she got everything she wanted, everything her little princess heart desired. So if she wanted Adam, she was going to get him.

But not on my watch.

I usually don't like to start fights; I hate drama, especially petty highschool drama. But I could feel my darker side start to creep through my skin. I bent down to grab my bag and slung it around one arm. I started walking towards the door where Adam had been patiently waiting, but before I reached him, I turned around and whispered in the same catty, bitchy voice, "We'll see about that." Adam and I proceeded out the door. I wasn't the only one who was surprised by my comeback, because I could hear Roxanne huffing with utter jealousy. I silently smirked to myself.

"What's her deal? Is she always like that?" Adam sounded honestly turned off.

"Yeah, that's Roxanne, but you kind of get used to her." Roxanne was the furthest thing from my mind right now. "I doubt that," he laughed. We made our way down to the end of the hall, and started up the stairs. "My lockers up here. I just got to put my stuff away, and then I can give you the V.I.P tour of this place."

"What an honour!" He sounded so genuine when he talked. We made our way to my locker. I quickly turned the knob to the numbers of my combination, but it wouldn't budge. I tried a second time, but it still wouldn't move. I started pulling it a little harder. Noticing that I was having trouble, Adam offered to help me out. As he took the lock from my hand, our fingers brushed. I got that same tingly feeling all over again.

"What's your combo?"

"15, 42, 27." He turned the knob to the numbers and to my amazement the lock opened. I took it from his hands. "I guess you have the magic touch."

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