Chapter 26: Cara

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The sun felt warm on my face. I put down my book and gave in to the soothing heat. Alpine, a feral kitten that recently adopted us curled himself between my legs. I could feel myself dozing off when I heard the door quietly open and slide shut. I smiled when I felt Lucas nearby.

"Hey," he said, pulling up a chair next to me and kissing me gently.

"You're home early." I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Yeah the conference ended earlier than I thought. And it gave me some time to head into this glass studio nearby," he pulled a wrapped package from behind his back and held it out to me.

I took it from him and tore through the wrapping with the excitement of a small child. Under layers of tissue I found a hand blown hummingbird feeder. Streaks of red, yellow, and orange swirled around a perfect orb the size of my hand. A little red flower spout sat at the bottom of a corked opening. The piece was as delicate as the creatures they attract. "This is beautiful," I said, turning it over in my hands.

"I know the hummingbirds get here much later than they do in North Carolina, but I wanted you to be ready to welcome them home," he said with a smile.

I leaned forward and kissed him deeply. "Yes. Home." 

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