Chapter 7: Lucas

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Her playful nature grappled me. It calmed me and helped me think. Her laugh was a reset every time reality set in and my brain remembered we were in fight and flight. Be it real or stress-induced chemistry this connection was the only thing keeping me grounded.

I told her to pull into a motel I saw on my side of the road. It was set back from the street and covered by large old trees that, while displaying an array of color, still held all of their leaves.

With a little assistance, I was able to talk the front desk clerk into a corner room at the back of the building where Cara's car would be hidden from the road. "And you're OK with the two double beds instead of the king?" said the clerk as she eyed Cara with suspicion.

"We like to snuggle," I put my arm around her and pulled her in close.

This musty room is better than the back of a box truck, I thought as we threw our bags onto one of the twin beds. I poked around as Cara pulled out her laptop and various cords, getting set up at a little table in the corner of the room.

I checked my watch. Diane — my FBI contact — wouldn't be home from work for another few hours and I didn't want to call her at the office. Hopefully Cara will have found some more information by then. With no way to help until I could make that call, I opted for a shower. Now that I had the chance to relax, I could feel the muscles in my legs aching. I took some ibuprofen and stepped into the shower. I let the hot water hit the back of my neck and shoulders.

Not even 24 hours ago it was a normal Saturday. I thought about my patients and wondered what would happen when I didn't show up tomorrow. The prospect of being on the run long term suddenly became very real. I disappeared into my thoughts for about an hour, spending most of that time sitting on the shower floor. A knock at the bathroom door jolted me back to the present. I turned off the water and apologized to Cara for being in there so long.

"It's OK," she said. Her voice muffled by the door. "I found some stuff you might want to hear."

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