Chapter 4: Cara

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I tried to make a little small talk with Lucas. I figured we're going to be on the run together, we might as well get to know each other. The frivolous conversation also served as a distraction from the intense fear and anxiety I was feeling being hunted down like a rare animal.

"So you're a gambler then?" I asked as I used a small tree to steady my balance down the hill.

Lucas laughed. "It's not really gambling when you know what everyone is going to do." He held a branch above his head, allowing me to pass under. "It's just a way to make a little extra money. If you win too much people start asking questions."

"I guess that's true," I replied. "My talent doesn't really help me in that area. It's good for summoning snacks from the kitchen when I don't feel like leaving the couch."

Lucas laughed again. It was loud and shook his whole body. It was contagious and there was no use trying to fight laughing along with him.

My legs and hips had started to ache when we emerged from a wooden lot and found ourselves behind a church. I nearly cried of relief. The parking lot filled to the edges with cars driven by devoted parishioners. "Well, which car would you like?" He asked.

"Well, odds are these people already think I'm going to hell. Might as well steal a car," I responded with a sigh.

"We're just borrowing it," Lucas responded. "Like Steve and Nat."

I smiled. The connection delighted me and brought me an odd sense of comfort. "Didn't that truck get turned to ash when Hydra bombed the SHIELD bunker?"

Lucas paused and stared out into the sea of cars. "Something on the old side, right? With a CD player?"

I followed him down the hill. It was 11am and I knew service was in full swing. Late-comers have already arrived. I didn't see any security cameras on the two street lights on either end of the parking lot. We kept low and moved through the aisles before stopping at a nondescript Toyota Corolla. An older model that didn't have any of the fancy bells and whistles that made me uncomfortable.

Lucas tried the door and it opened easily. I ran around to the other side and climbed in. I watched as he bent over and under the steering wheel, pulling wires, and moving quickly. We were on the road within a few minutes, the church quickly disappearing behind us. I breathed a little easier now that we were in something that could put a lot of distance between us and our hunters. Going back to my car made me uneasy but Lucas was right that driving a stolen car would make us more of a target than driving our own.

"If we can get into a Walmart we can grab some new clothes and a couple of burner phones," Lucas said, finally breaking the silence. "We could find someplace safe to stay."

We drove in silence until we hit an intersection that opened up to a small business district. Signs for Interstate 40 dotted the corners. A Walmart appeared in the distance and my anxiety began to spike. What if they figured out where we were? What if we were being tracked somehow?

"Cara, we'll be OK," Lucas said gently.

I stared at him. Was he in my head?

"Your knee started bouncing and your breathing got faster," he said. "I don't need to read your mind to tell you're anxious. I just need to pay attention."

I smiled and looked out the window. I didn't realize men were capable of that level of attention to detail. Certainly none of the men I ever dated were.

We strolled around the store as casually but as quickly as possible. We passed through each department getting a handful of things we knew we'd need: Two backpacks, socks, underwear, pants, tops, tooth brushes, soap, sneakers, and finally two prepaid phones.

I watched the cashier ring up our items and began to fidget uncomfortably as Lucas handed over more than $300 in cash. "I have access to cash," I blurted out as we threw the bags in the back seat. "I can pay you back once we get to Asheville."

"Are you really worried about paying me back while we run away from a bunch of dudes that want to kidnap us and hand us over to some underground crime ring?" He replied as he restarted the car.

"Well when you say it like that, I agree it sounds a little silly, all things considered."

I watched him grin as he pulled up Google maps. He had the most calming and infectious smile and mesmerizing blue eyes. I could see a shadow of dark stubble coming in along his square jawline. I realized then he hadn't grabbed a razor and he likely intended on growing his beard out as an easy way to alter his identity.

I gave him an address in Asheville and placed my head against the cool window. The warmth of the sun and the motion of the car lulling me to sleep. 

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