Chapter 8: Cara

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My ADHD kicked in as soon as I opened my laptop. The old hotel room disappeared as I circled a drain into the sewer that is the dark web. I didn't like spending a lot of time here. It was a reminder of the worst of humanity. The actual bowels of society. Everyone here was involved in some level of crime, from low-level foreign movie streaming and buying prescription drugs to the human trafficking Lucas and I had found ourselves in.

I sat down on the clear bed and rested my head on a pillow while I waited. I hadn't even noticed Lucas was missing and suddenly longed for a shower of my own. I sat up when he emerged a few minutes later wearing loose athletic pants and a white undershirt that hugged his sculpted chest and biceps. He rubbed his short brown hair with a hand towel.

"What did you find?" he asked. I stared at his ass as he walked back to the bathroom to hang up his towel.

"Umm," I shook my head slightly to bring it back to the issue at hand. "Well from what I can tell they're working with some kind of data set that helps them track down specific people so it's not random. They're getting our names from somewhere. The bounty is $1 million to be delivered alive. If we die in transit the bounty hunters pay with their own lives."

Lucas sat down on the bed, but kept a little bit of space between us.

"They are still after us specifically," I added. "I saw mentions of two loose targets last seen in Western NC. The bounty has been increased to catch us quickly. I can try to drop some clues to send them off in different directions, but it's going to take a little time."

Lucas stared at the wall. I didn't need his powers to know he was thinking hard about what to do next. I fought the urge to hold his hand. I probably needed the comfort of physical touch more than he did.

"I'm going to get in the shower," I said, breaking the silence. I stood up and grabbed my duffle bag.

"Cara, we're going to be ok," he said. "I promise."

I smiled at him. My own personal Steve Rogers. "I know. I trust you."

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