Chapter 22: Cara

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I felt relieved when Lucas awkwardly proclaimed he was taking a walk down to the lobby. Nervous energy radiated from his body and the room felt calm once he left, allowing me to focus on my tedious work.

I needed just a little more time to build what I needed to disseminate everything I found on EM Nine. When complete, bots would post the file on Twitter and email it to every major media outlet and government official in Washington. And then it would do it again multiple times in a 24-hour period. If nothing else, the repeated mass emailing would generate some traction.

I did what I could knowing full well this entire operation could fail miserably. As much as I liked to pretend I was a curvier Natasha Romanoff, I did not have her skill set. I also had to put away the worry that the leak could endanger those who had already been captured. Rescuing them, however, wasn't an option. Just as I wasn't Black Widow, Lucas was not Captain America. My focus then had to be everyone else on that list who was still safe at home.

I got up and stretched as I waited for some files to upload. My eyes glanced at our unmade bed and a memory from the previous night caused my breath to get momentarily stuck in my chest. I let the scene play out in my head and bit my lip to keep from smiling even though I remained alone. Running from a private corporation intent on studying you like a lab rat was a terribly inconvenient time for sex, but I didn't care. Dying soon after feeling heavenly bliss didn't sound like a bad way to go. Where's Lucas to read my mind now, I thought.

I parked myself back on the couch and I lost myself in my erotic thoughts long enough to let the files upload completely. Lucas returned as I was putting the finishing touches on the program and closed my laptop.

"How's it going?" He asked, sitting down next to me. I could feel his weary energy and see it on his face.

"We're locked and loaded." 

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