Chapter 6: Cara

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I wasn't. Not intentionally anyway.

I'm a woman in a male-dominated field and while many of my female peers grew more quiet as they progressed in their careers, I got louder. More blunt. I used the privilege afforded to me as a pretty white woman who excelled at her job to speak loudly for those that couldn't. I live to make men uncomfortable. I crave the dopamine rush it gives me.

Men often mistake honesty for flirting, especially when it's complimentary. That's their issue, not mine.

I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee to hide a smile. He laughed a bit and looked down at his own steaming cup. Ok, Luke, I get it. You're hot, I thought.

"So our game plan?" I asked again, trying to push away some creeping thoughts.

Lucas cleared his throat and began preparing his coffee. "I think we should lay low for a couple of days. Get some actual sleep and try to find out what we can about this group. I have a friend who works with the FBI and I think she can help."

Our server came back with our meals and we thanked her quietly without making too much eye contact.

"At the very least she can probably get us someplace safe."

I considered his plan while I dipped some toast into a runny egg yolk. I felt wary about staying in one spot, but I didn't have any better ideas. There was no text book for being kidnapped, breaking loose, and then hiding so you wouldn't get caught again. "That works," I replied.

"So were you backpacking in Asheville?" Lucas asked after a bit of silence. "I saw some camping supplies in your trunk."

I drank some water and thought about how much I wanted to divulge to Lucas. He seemed like a decently progressive guy. Any ardent church-goer would have proclaimed by now that Jesus would keep us safe. He didn't have any qualms about stealing a car and he had a side hustle cheating at Texas Hold 'em.

"Yeah," I said, putting my glass down. "I have an adventure girlfriend there and I was in town for a long weekend visiting her. We did some backpacking at Mt. Mitchell before it gets too cold. I was heading back to Durham when I was caught by our friends."

I watched Lucas for a reaction. I wish I had his ability to read minds right now. His lack of a reaction was promising.

"I didn't realize you were seeing someone," he said nonchalantly. "Did you let her know you're OK?"

"The less she knows the safer she probably is," I replied. "But, we aren't really seeing each other."

Lucas raised an eyebrow as he drank his coffee.

"She's a friend with benefits," I admitted. "We met through work and we both really love the outdoors and have a lot in common, but neither of us want a romantic relationship right now. Every few months we get together to do something fun outdoors."

"And indoors?" he added. "I guess you weren't flirting with me then?"

"I'm equal opportunity," I smiled and felt my face turn red. I started back into the last of my eggs and hash browns. "What about you?

Lucas had finished his pancakes and pushed the plate to the side to focus on his coffee that the server had refilled.

"No girlfriends, boyfriends, or friends with benefits," He said. "I live in a rural town and the vast majority of the population has been my patient at some point in the past five years. I did a long distance thing for a little while but that didn't work out."

I left enough cash on the table to cover our bill and a tip and we walked back to the car avoiding making eye contact with anyone else we passed.

I started the car and pulled out into the road. "So can I ask you a question? It's kind of personal so you don't have to answer."

I caught Lucas looking at me with amusement and curiosity. "Go on," he said.

"So do you use your abilities in the bedroom?" I asked, unable to hold back an immature grin. "I feel like you would be more responsive than most men."

Lucas laughed and covered his face.

"You do!" I squealed and started to laugh.

"I did. I mean, I have. I used to in high school and college. Definitely did in nursing school. Not a lot of guys in a nursing program so you'd think I'd have an edge. But most women blew me off until I started dating a bit and the girls started to gossip. I don't anymore. I try to be more responsible and respectful of a woman's privacy."

I continued to giggle and said a silent prayer of gratitude that he wasn't hearing my private thoughts.

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