☺︎︎ Chapter Sixty-Six

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"That's great to hear, son!" Dracula said with a smile on his face, the two boys grinning back as Jaemin has an arm around Jeno's shoulders.

However, their smiles slowly fade away when Mina murmurs, "but now you have to prepare yourself."

"I think Jaemin hyung's ready, Mrs. Na." Jeno mumbles, clueless to what Mina was actually talking about.

"Oh we know he is, deary. But I'm talking about fighting." Mina said with an awkward smile.

Jeno snaps his head towards Jaemin and raises a brow, "fighting?" He asks.

Nodding, the older boy bites his inner cheek and stays quiet. Not really knowing what to say as he feels bad now that he didn't tell the human boy about that part.

"What do you mean by fighting?" Jeno asks again, wanting a full explanation just to clarify.

"Fighting as in; physical and maybe even magical fighting." Dracula decides to be the one explaining to the human boy as his son seems to be conflicted again.

"As tradition, in order to be a ruler, you have to go into battle against other fellow vampires to claim your throne."

"Fellow vampires?" Now Jeno was getting more confused yet at the same time still intrigued. He needs answers, because his vampire boyfriend is currently not talking again.

"Oh don't worry, he's only fighting the ones who wants to challenge him and try to steal the throne. The greedy ones." Dracula said to reassure him that Jaemin isn't fighting the actual good ones like his friends.

Mina hums as she reaches out to give a light squeeze on Jeno's arm, "although they are not the best and nicest vampires around, they still are our people." She states.

"That's why having a ruler is important, to add rules and make sure what they're doing is okay and not tear down or humiliate our own kind." She said, glancing at Jaemin.

"But to get to that, you have to prove yourself. Prove you're the chosen one and why people should listen to you."

"So like an alpha?" Jeno tilts his head to the side as he earns a nod from Jaemin's parents.

"In a way, yes." Jaemin's dad smiles and turns to look at his son this time, "so Jaemin?"

Jeno also looks at his vampire boyfriend, pouting at his silence. "Jaeminie hyung, why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I didn't want to scare you or literally anything that I've been trying to avoid from losing you." Jaemin said in a mumble.

He looks up to meet Jeno's eyes as he frowns at the human boy, "if you don't want me to do it, then I'll canc–"

"No." Jeno shakes his head, cutting him off as his answer makes everyone in the room stunned, breath hitching while staring at him.

"What?" Mina asks, her tone almost cracking like it was the end of the world or something.

"No, Jaemin hyung can't cancel this and just hand it over to someone else who's probably going to– take advantage of their place and make everyone go through hell." Jeno hisses.

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