☺︎︎ Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Tw: a pervert. Assault? Or harassment? Okay I'm still learning but it's probably either one of those two–



Widening his eyes, Jeno pushes away from Jaemin's hold and stares at the elder boy. Not noticing the look Jaemin was giving him becoming more obvious than before.


"Did you just call me 'pup'?" The glee laced in his voice couldn't be hidden away, he was too happy about what he could've possibly heard.

The elder boy knits his eyebrows together to make him look irritated than the previous concern look he had when Jeno tripped into his arms.

"You're hearing things." Is what Jaemin replied to him, pushing Jeno's hands away from his chest while at it. "The music is loud in here anyway, that's probably why." Backing up his words to excuse himself.

The sparkle in Jeno's eyes fades away, the smile he has almost instantly turns into a frown. He nods at the elder boy's words and looks around.

"I-I'll get you some tissues, to clean up the mess I made on your shirt..." He mumbles before walking away without taking a glance at the elder boy.

Jaemin was left there staring at him walking off, shoulders slouched as he lets out a sigh to himself.

"Wow, how many times do you have to be an asshole and hurt poor lil Jeno like that at a fun party, bro?" A voice spoke behind him which he groans at.

He felt a pat on his back almost mockingly, turning to face the newcomer with a glare.

"Shut up, Lucas." He hisses and walks over to a table to refill his fruit punch this time instead of Jeno doing it for him, because he wanted to.

The taller boy chuckles and follows him calmly, one hand in his pocket while the other was holding a can of Pepsi.

"Seriously Jaem, this is the second party you two have been in together. This is the second time he spilled a drink on you, and this is the second time you hurt him in any way." He continues to say.

He leans his side against the table, watching Jaemin refill his cup and glances up to look at the boy. "C'mon dude, we both know Jeno was upset about what you said."

"You're eavesdropping now? How fun for your lonely life, Lucas." Jaemin sneers and takes a sip of his fruit punch, then slightly resting his side against the table as well.

"It's not my fault I have good hearing too, Jaem." Lucas rolled his eyes and opens his can of Pepsi that he had gotten before walking over to his friend.

"But what's next, do you need a third time for this to happen again so you'd actually be a good soulmate to Jeno?" He said, clearly getting under Jaemin's nerves.

He then ignores the red eyes glaring at him, only responding at it with a huff. "We both know it." He said briefly as the glare aimed at him hardens.

"I'm back– what's going on here? Oh, hi Lucas hyung." Jeno stops on his tracks for a moment thinking he had just interrupted a conversation, but relaxes at the reassuring wave Lucas gave him.

Puppy Emoji ☺︎︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now