☺︎︎ Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Wait, so you told him?" Hendery blinks, glancing at the human boy in the room with them as he discreetly mentions him.

Sighing, Jaemin nods while taking a seat on the wooden chair near Lucas who was listening in to the conversation.

"How come you're starting to make this a habit to us?" Yangyang jokes, "you tell Jeno a secret of yours and let us know afterwards, or you and Jeno both have a secret and then admit it to us." He said.

Jaemin shrugs while glancing at his boyfriend who was a little lost on what they're talking about. Well, he knows but at the same time feels like he doesn't know everything.

Shrugging it off, he turns to Jaemin and smiles shyly. The latter chuckling before reaching out to bring the younger boy to sit on his lap.

Jeno blushes but doesn't say anything, he purses his lips to stay quiet as Yangyang speaks up. "And then what now?"

His question causes the others to perk up, Jaemin raising a brow at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asks, a little hesitant.

Licking his fangs, Yangyang thinks for a moment if he should continue and voice out his words to the vampire prince or not.

After a few seconds, he decides to just go for it thanks to a reassuring nod Hendery gave him when he kinda accidentally reads his mind but whatever.

"You're not going to do anything about your royal vampire thing?" He mentions and right off the bat, Jaemin's face slowly turns into a scowl.

"No." He immediately answers.

"you're the heir to the throne, Jaem. Your parents–"

"Doesn't matter. I'm not taking my spot as the next awaited 'king'." The vampire prince emphasizes, almost angry but tries to calm himself down.

Especially when the human boy on his lap shifts a little, sensing the younger boy felt a bit uncomfortable and scared on what's about to come up next because of this unwanted topic.

Lucas, who has been silently listening to the conversation, decides to speak up as well.

"But bro, your people are waiting for you. They have been for nearly over a decade or something, I don't even know because I lost count," he suddenly talks to himself at the end.

Before Jaemin could argue back, Lucas continues to back up Yangyang's opinion. "All I'm saying is that you can't just leave your spot open for anyone."

Getting frustrated, the vampire prince slowly and quietly stands up as Jeno lets him– concern written all over his pretty face– while Jaemin huffs.

"I'll be right back." He announces and quickly heads out the room before anyone could stop him.

And when I mean anyone, it's likely to be Jeno Lee who was about to follow his boyfriend to who knows where but gets pulled back by Yangyang.

He turns to the said boy with a confused look, "don't go after him, let him be for a while. He needs some air." Yangyang briefly tells him.

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