☺︎︎ Chapter Thirty-One

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"bye Jaeminnie hyung! I have to go to school now." Jeno smiles while waving goodbye at the elder.

"Bongsik already ate, you can do anything you want, hyung. This is your place now too!" He adds, pausing at the doorway with his hands occupied– one holding the strap of his backpack while the other was on the doorknob.

Jaemin only hums as he nodded firmly, said cat was making herself comfortable on the couch as she lets out a small meow at her owner.

The brunet beams and waves at her this time, "bye-bye my baby! I'll be back later, be good to Jaemin hyung." He said before he gasps a little and rushes back in his apartment.

Jaemin raised a brow but blinks once when Jeno runs up to him and kisses his cheek, "bye-bye again hyung, see you after school!" He giggles before running off outside, shutting the door behind him.

He stood there a little flustered, sighing to himself as he snaps out of it and turns to head towards Jeno's bedroom.

"You like him."

A voice said, freezing Jaemin's steps as the vampire boy slowly turns to look at the direction of the voice he assumes is coming from. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he didn't saw anyone.

"Over here vampire boy." The voice said again.

And that's when Jaemin was definitely weirded out now.

"Did you just–"

"Yep, Jeno Lee's beloved cat, Bongsik, is talking to you loud and clear with the same language you speak." The feline said in confirmation.

Jaemin stares at her, trying to put the pieces together as to why Jeno's pet cat is talking to him. Does the boy even know his cat can talk?

Noticing how confused he was, Bongsik rolled her eyes at him while she sways her tail slowly. "Man, I thought you knew, Jaemin."

"What?" The vampire boy blurts out.

"That I can talk? Hello? You're a vampire, and I literally gave you some signals with the times we made eye contact. Did you not get them?" The cat said, getting annoyed.

Jaemin slowly shook his head, "uh... No..." Was that why Bongsik grew attached to him easily than she was with Jeno's friends? And eye contact? Jaemin just thought the cat was being weird.

Meowing slowly, the cat rolls on her back before she gently jumps off the couch. "Guess you didn't notice my threats, but anyways–"

"Wait, how are you talking? Does Jeno know you can talk?" Jaemin stops her with a few questions he has in mind.

The cat halts and sits down on the ground, before beginning to lick her right paw clean. "I expected for a high class vampire like you to have known by now. Must say, I'm sort of disappointed, your highness."

Jaemin widens his eyes and shushes her with a hiss, his fangs showing off as a warning.

The feline just rolled her eyes again, pausing to blankly look at him. "I'm a familiar, Jeno's grandma gave me to him as a birthday present. And no, he doesn't know anything about his grandma being a witch and me basically protecting him."

Puppy Emoji ☺︎︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now