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1 month later...

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you!" They all chanted for Izuku and Katsuki as they were seated in front of them.

Izuku only smiled as tears brimmed under his eyes while Katsuki only frowned even more. Their parents were also crying silently, only they didn't show it.

Masaru and Mitsuki held the cake as Kirishima and Iida sliced a piece of cake for each of them. They place a slice of cake on Izuku's and Katsuki's plates and have their cake.

"I'm really sorry that you have to leave early, there's an important place we have to go today." Inko apologized again. Kirishima and Iida took it though, they understand. They thought that they'll have to go to a beach to celebrate or something.

"It's ok Inko-san, we understand." Iida replied with a smile. Not knowing a bit of what is truly happening.

After they all finished eating. The two teens began to unwrap their gifts.

Izuku got a shark plushie, fancy clothes, a new sketch pad and a set of different kinds of colouring pencils. While Katsuki got a flower plushie, fresh flowers, a book that Katsuki is disappointed with and a racket.

"The fuck? What's a racket for old hag?" He annoyingly said. Mitsuki only laughed in response.

"A remembrance for me, you idiot. So that you'll remember me slapping your head off as you look at this racket." Mitsuki snorted which made Katsuki turn red in annoyance.

They all laughed as they saw Katsuki turn red. Kirishima laughed the most because of how red his face is.

"Shut up all of you!" He angrily said.

"How do you like my gift Katsuki?" Inko said. Her gift was the book. Katsuki's attention went to Inko. He looked at the book title...

"How to manage anger issu- are you kidding me?!" Katsuki started and shouted. They all laughed again, it was funny to annoy the blonde.

They all made Katsuki annoyed till no end. Laughs and tears of joy are shown in the entire room.


"Thanks for the party! Have fun you all!" Kirishima shouted as he and Iida left the house. The others of course, waved goodbye to them.

They waited until the two boys disappeared at their sight. They went back inside the house. Utter sadness filled the room.

"I know it old hag, that's not the gifts you're truly giving us right?" Katsuki started the conversation. Mitsuki sighed and nodded. Silence came over, their tears were all under their eyes already.

"Here..." Mitsuki whispered and handed the two gifts to each of them. The two boys slowly unwrapped the box. They both got a picture frame with a paper with doodled colours in it.

"Is this!" Izuku widened his eyes as he saw the picture framed doodle.

"Your first drawings, yes..." Inko cried while saying so. At least they have something to remember in their last hours.

"I can't believe, you guys have these the whole time." Katsuki said while his hands covering his mouth. He tried to stop his tears but failed miserably.

Inko handed her gifts next. All of them were already crying. Katsuki and Izuku can't handle the pain they were feeling anymore. But I still cried silently.

They opened they gifts again. They saw another picture frame. This time, it was a picture of all of them there, smiling. It broke the two teens' hearts after seeing this.

"We'll miss you both." Masaru said brokenly.

"And don't forget that we all love you, we will always support your decisions." Mitsuki whispered while crossing her arms.

"Promise me that you both can have a peaceful time there, okay?" Inko timidly said, her tears can't stop anymore.

All of them accepted the two teen's fate.

"Kacchan and I promise." Izuku cried and hugged his mother. Katsuki also hugged his parents. They can't believe how lucky they are to have such good parents and good friends to guide them. They feel too blessed.

Until Katsuki fainted under his mother's grasp. Mitsuki cried louder at this, she knew what was coming. Masaru ran and called the ambulance, wiping his tears along his way.

Izuku felt his throat begin to itch and coughed really hard. It was making his throat feel like it was burning.

"You can do it Izuku, just a little more okay?" Inko tried to assure him. Izuku only nodded and coughed some more.

The ambulance finally came and took Izuku and Katsuki in. A nurse gave Izuku a tissue so that the blood that was dripping out of his mouth wouldn't stain his hands. He was also given with a breather.

The parents' tears won't come away as they are escorted inside the hospital. Their worry about their sons wont make them.


"These two problematic kids again." The doctor sighed before placing medical gloves in.

"It's okay doctor, just make them breathe longer. We accepted their fate." Masaru talked to the doctor, leaving the doctor to widen his eyes. He nodded and stuck them with only a heart monitor. They saw that Katsuki's heartbeat was really faint but still breathing. Izuku fainted along the way but his heart-rate is still normal.

"The problem with Izuku is only his throat but-..." The doctor explained.

"Their chances of surviving are nowhere near possible. It's their birthday right?" The doctor said and asked. All of them only nodded in response.

"I see, tsk. I'm really sorry for this. Here," The doctor sighed before handing out new fresh flowers with a vase. He excused himself after so that the parents could have a private talk with them.

But Izuku and Katsuki are nowhere waking up. Izuku's heart-rate is also decreasing slowly. The parents can only look down at nothing as they tire themselves from crying.

The end of their story is almost near...

To Be Continued

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒐 𝑼𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 II 𝗕𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗗𝗲𝗸𝘂Where stories live. Discover now