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~Happy birthday my beloved Deku,~

Izuku woken up from sunlight hitting his eyes. He slowly opened his emerald eyes, only to see an ash blonde hair tickling his face. He giggled as hair went into his nose. He stopped when he was confused why there's hair beside him.

"Gah!!" Izuku gasped when he saw Katsuki was sleeping beside him, well Katsuki grunted and woke up as well. He scratched his head before ruffling the greenette's hair.

"Don't be too loud early in the morning, Deku... Anyways, good morning." He yawned and got out the bed. Izuku was still confused why Katsuki is in his house.

"Why are you here Kacchan?" He asked but the blonde didn't answer. He sighs and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

After he was done, he went to the kitchen to eat. But to his surprise, his mom wasn't there. It was only Katsuki himself.

"I'm making pancakes Deku, wait up a bit." Katsuki said before making his attention to the food again. Izuku smiled brightly and said his thanks before turning on the tv.

"Here, eat up Deku." Katsuki called and Izuku's nose hit the smell of fresh pancakes and honey. He drooled a bit and went to the table as fast as possible.

"Thank you for the food!" He said and started digging in the food. Katsuki did the same. The silence was peaceful in the morning. The birds were chirping happily outside as they eat. But Izuku was still confused of Katsuki's doings.

"Kacchan, why so soft all the sudden?" Izuku laughed and Katsuki immediately puffed at the sentence. The blonde sighed before started speaking. "Because I want to do something special for the special day Izuku..." He blushed as he explains, making the greenette giggled even more.

"Special day? What do you mean?" Izuku asks one more time, making Katsuki grunted in irritation. "Just enjoy my suffering Deku. And don't ask one more question or else..." Katsuki warned before going back to food. Izuku flinched a bit but continued eating.

Izuku was thinking of something that Katsuki might have been mistaken...

But decided to keep his mouth shut. He did really enjoy Katsuki being soft to him...

As they finished eating, Katsuki took all the plates and went to the fridge. Taking a big fluffy cupcake and a candle. He lightens the candle and stick it to the cupcake. Izuku widen his eyes. He tried not to laugh at this point. But he wants to see Katsuki's face as what he was about to say.

"My dear nerd. Happy birthday..." Katsuki said before placing the cupcake in the table. Izuku snickered before letting out a laugh. Making Katsuki utterly confused.

"Kacchan..." Izuku called out as he was still laughing.

"K-Kacchan, my birthday is tomorrow!" He said and burst in laughter. While Katsuki just stood there, stunned...

"But thank you Kacchan! I love you!!" Izuku said before placing a soft kiss in Katsuki cheek. Katsuki blushed hard, but that's all what he needed to hear...

"Happy advanced birthday my beloved Deku..."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I have fufilled my promise lmao. I love meh Izucute what do you expect.😩

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