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"Great memories that truly can't erase..."

"Alright you brat. You better not mess around this time or I'll personally shove my foot up in your ass." Mitsuki snarled at Katsuki who was about to follow Izuku to their house. Katsuki lowly snarled at his mother. Masaru just stood there smiling out in the open, asking why he was so blessed with such an energetic family.

"I dare you, old hag. I swear when I'm a full-grown man I will be the one to kick your butt!" Katsuki said and walked out to his mother. Inko still couldn't believe Masaru is still surviving such dangerous love ones.

"Your friends are already in the house. I saw them carrying a bag full of books. I think you've missed a lot of lessons Izu..." Inko explained to the greenette. Izuku did nothing but sigh and shrugged.

Katsuki was silent though. He remembered every bit of Izuku's sentence at the hospital. Hell, his heart was torn in millions of pieces after he heard Izuku's sad sentences.

He promises that he will never leave Izuku's side, and never will.




Kirishima and Iida rushed out from the house when they saw the two boys in the front gate. Even though the doctors told them that the boys are fine, the two of them still didn't budge at thought they passed out right there.

"How are you feeling?" Kirishima asks Katsuki as he puts a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki flinched at the touch and quickly pulled away.

"I'm fine," Was all Katsuki said but the red-haired boy wasn't content with the answer.

"Now, now. Let's talk about this in the house and outside the house." Inko said as she led the way to the kids.

Once they were inside the house, they rested first. Iida opened a bag and rested the books that were in the bag. Katsuki grunted as soon as he saw the pile of books. Good thing that he and Izuku will escape this afternoon.

After thinking about that, he suddenly heard Izuku excusing himself. "Mom, can I take a shower first? I really want to be fresh before we start reviewing." He explained and Inko quickly agreed with a nod. The boy smiled and went to Katsuki, winking.

Katsuki already knew it was the time for their escape, so he followed Izuku from the back. Once they were at Izuku's room, the greenette opened the big window and went out. Katsuki followed suit...

After they're both outside, Izuku grabs Katsuki's hand, interwinding them. Katsuki blushed nonetheless and started running with Izuku. They kept running until they were in the middle of the forest. Good thing they were good at directions, they will not get lost.

They both saw the river and sat under a big tree. They were still catching their breaths after all the running. "It was all worth it Kacchan." Izuku said with a smile. Katsuki smiled back and ruffled the greenette's hair.

"So, what do you want to do, Deku?" Katsuki asked. Yeah, they did escape the house, but they still don't know what to do after. Izuku looked down at the moment, before looking back at the blonde. Izuku stared at Katsuki's deep red orbs. It really was beautiful...

"Can we cuddle first? And then maybe, just maybe, tell our goodbyes before our illness gets worse?" Izuku exclaimed with tears threatening to fall under his eyes. Katsuki began to cry also, but did what Izuku wanted. He slowly took Izuku and wrapped his arms to the greenette.

Izuku broke Katsuki's chest. He really will miss him, he knows for sure they'll get separated soon... Katsuki just stayed quiet, listening to the poor boy's sobs. He soon petted Izuku's hair to at least calm him down.

"We don't have to make memories after all..." Izuku and Katsuki. The blonde got confused with Izuku's sentence.

"What do you mean? We clearly need one, I mean-" Izuku cuts Katsuki before finishing what he has to say. Izuku just smiled warmly before explaining.

"All of these years. We've made enough good memories of Kacchan. We don't need to make more. The greatest memory I have is just being with you and you alone..." Izuku said with a sad tone. That's when Katsuki realized what Izuku was saying.

"Can you do me a favor, Kacchan?" Izuku asked. Katsuki immediately nodded, he'll do anything for Izuku. Izuku giggled a bit at Katsuki. "Can you promise me, even though we will forget about each other, you'll still look for me?" He asked, making Katsuki also break down as well.

"I will D-Deku, I promise. I will search what's m-missing, I promise." The blonde stuttered. Izuku only hugged him tighter. He was grateful that he has a perfect friend with Katsuki himself.

After a few minutes. Neither of them talked. The only thing they could hear was the river water flowing and nature itself. Katsuki thought it would be time to go back to the house. So, he started gently shaking the greenette.

"Izuku wake up, we have to go home. It's getting late." He said whilst shaking Izuku. But no response left Izuku's parting lips. That was when Katsuki was getting nervous.

"Deku, this isn't funny, wake up..." Katsuki started tearing, but still no response from the greenette.

"Deku! Izuku!! Wake up!!" Katsuki was already shouting. Izuku is just lying in Katsuki's chest, almost like he is dead.

Katsuki checked Izuku's heart rate. His heartbeat momentarily stopped as Izuku was not breathing anymore.

Izuku was dead, lying in Katsuki's chest.

"I-Izuku!! You can't be serious, why did you make me promise anything if you're just going to leave me..." He whispered while hugging the body that was lying before him. Tears never stopped flowing in his eyes, coming down to his cheeks. That was when everything snapped at the blonde.

Maybe he'll wake up if he was nowhere near him.

He then quickly grabbed Izuku's body and carried him behind his back. He went to the house as fast as he could. He wishes Izuku can wake up.

He hoped the one he loves the most will wake up. After he went away from him.


"Auntie Inko! Auntie-" Katsuki was getting tired. 'Shit' He thought as he can't find any resource of energy to run or shout anymore. He, too, was getting sleepy...


Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru were yet again crying to their son's states. That was when Mitsuki snapped and told Inko that they're leaving tomorrow. Inko did nothing but nodded, it was for the best anyways.

"Do we have to erase their memories?" Inko still wasn't sure if she wanted to let Izuku forget everything they have done with Katsuki. "Of course, Inko, its part of the curse's cure..." Mitsuki replied as she told the doctor to erase their memories. The doctor sadly nodded and erased both Katsuki's and Izuku's moments together.


10 years later...

"What a beautiful morning as always..." Izuku sighs as he hops around the backyard. Breathing the fresh air in the morning truly was great,

Although there's something or perhaps someone is missing...

To Be Continued

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒐 𝑼𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 II 𝗕𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗗𝗲𝗸𝘂Where stories live. Discover now