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One week later

"Happy birthday!" Cheers and excitement filled the room. Katsuki and Izuku smiled and blew off their candles. Of course, both of them made their wish and hoped that they'll come true.

"Happy birthday Izuku, Katsuki. I wish you a good relationship." Iida said and took a handful of cake. Katsuki groaned lightly because of the wishes. "Thank you, Iida," Was all Izuku could say and began to eat.

"Now I thought about it, I never saw you two in our school before. Are you two out of town?" Kirishima asked while chewing a mouthful of cake. Izuku and Katsuki began to sweat, but didn't want their friends to know their conditions yet.

"Actually, we were homeschooled. We will now be able to go to school this year." Izuku said. It was actually true; they had never been going to school since they were kids. "And why is that?" Iida asked next and now Katsuki began to feel annoyed with the two.

"Why are you so nosy about our status? We have problems too, okay?" Katsuki snapped and walked outside the house. Izuku followed him from behind, leaving Iida and Kirishima alone.

"I think we messed up..." Kirishima murmured.

"Kacchan! Where are you going?" Izuku shouted as he tried to follow Katsuki wherever he's going. Katsuki stopped under the tree and sat down with arms crossed. "I told you to not invite them, but so you did," Katsuki said, trying to hold his tears down.

"I just thought that it was enough to celebrate our birthday. You know, it sucks when you try to be happy with only the two of us right?" Izuku whispered. And that made Katsuki filled with rage. "So, you're saying that I'm not good enough for you?!" Katsuki shouted as he let his tears fall on his cheeks. He was really hurt to hear that Izuku was not happy with him alone.

"That's not what I'm saying Kacchan. What I am saying is that we should make friends now, we are finally eight Kacchan..." The greenette tried to protest, or rather explain. It's not like he wasn't happy, he was just thinking that its time to communicate with other people because they're growing up. Katsuki stayed silent, he didn't want to fight Izuku anymore.

"Are you two fighting? You know, when you two fight, you two always fight playfully and not seriously." A sweet voice said behind me. "Mom?" Izuku called and Inko just smiled. She joined the two under the tree.

"I made a present for you two," She said while taking something in her pocket.

"Here," She called out their attention as she handed out two bracelets. "What is it?" Katsuki asked and that made Inko smile more. "It's a charm to those best friends to keep each other away from any harm. But they have to wear it so that they can protect each other." And with that, the two immediately put on the bracelets and blushed. Inko laughed at the sight, it was the most adorable thing they did today.

"I'll be going now; I need to make more pastry for our guests." She said and walked away. Katsuki looked at Izuku with pure guilt. He let his bad side take over him again.

"I'm deeply sorry Deku, you're my best friend and I always feel jealous whenever you're with someone else..." He pouted and looked down, not wanting to look the green haired boy in the eyes. Izuku smiled and forgave him immediately after he apologized. He was that considerate to his best friend for years.

"It's okay Kacchan. No one will ever surpass my friendship to you! I treat you like a brother, you know..." Izuku admitted that he didn't regret those words one bit. Katsuki nodded and picked Izuku up, carrying him. "Eh?! Kacchan put me down!" Izuku struggled in Katsuki's arms, boy he sure was strong.

"Have you ever heard of the word 'no'?" Katsuki snickered and carried Izuku all the way to their house. Kirishima and Iida are surprised by the sight.

"Got anything to say about it, hair for brains?" Katsuki said as he tried to calm down his annoyance. "Ahh yes, I'm sorry you two. I got a little carried away there..." Kirishima apologized and Katsuki gave a huge grin. Apologizing to him made him feel proud.

"Anyways, why are we so down all of a sudden? It's your birthday, come on, we have a party to celebrate." Iida exclaimed and started to dance from the music.

The three of them laughed and also joined in to dance. Iida's and Kirishima's parents agreed to have their permission to stay with them for one night, so they began to play and tire themselves until they fell asleep.

To Be Continued

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒐 𝑼𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 II 𝗕𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗗𝗲𝗸𝘂Where stories live. Discover now