14. I'll try

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Third persons POV

"Is this Katie Levine?"

"Yes. This is she."

"I'm sorry to inform you your father is being rushed into an ambulance. He was intoxicated and swerved causing a semi to crush his vehicle. We don't know how bad anything is but we advise you come to check it out."

"O-oh." Was all she choked out. It was 2 am. She was supposed to go back to school, see her dad. Hug him.

She hung up and the two girls sleeping next to her were still limp on their bed.

"Get up." Katie said before she began sobbing.

"Get the fuck up." She said and shook the two who woke up startled.

"Wha-" May began.

"My dad got in a really bad accident. We need to leave now." Katie choked and Maven stood and ran to her mom waking her and telling her the situation.

"Calm down darling we are going to see him but get pants on first." Macey said doing the same thing.

Katie slid pants on having an issue comprehending this. She didn't want to believe it.

"Let's go girls." Madeline yelled.

They all ran down the stairs and got into a dark car.

Madeline went 90 on the highway and everything happened so quickly.

She got to the hospital where they pulled him out of the back. She ran out of the car and to the bed where he was covered in blood and had tubes everywhere.

"No dad please." She began crying rubbing with him.

"Wake up! I can fix it! I'm sorry!" She yelled as she was pushed back, not allowed to go with him.

"No no no no no no." She cried feeling weak and falling to the floor.

Maven caught her and pulled her to her chest. May came and hugged the other half of her and she trembled under their touch.

"Shhh it's okay." Maven whispered tears falling down their faces as well.

"I could've told him to stop on the phone. He didn't sound good and I could've done something." Katie sobbed. She felt scared. She's already lost her mom. Her mom didn't want her but her dad loved her. She needed him.

"I'm so so sorry Katie." Madeline whispered squatting down and rubbing Katie's back.

Katie stood and the Twins helped her up as she threw her arms around Madelines body and Madeline held her like it was her own child. It just felt right.

"It will be okay. We are all here for you and your father." She said and Katie pulled away.

"It'll be okay." She whispered trying to get those words to go through her head. She walked away and got a water from the vending machine.

"It'll be okay. He will be okay. It will all be okay." She whispered and drank the water all at once.

She sat and the twins came on each side of her. They each took one of her hands and held them tightly.

She sat feeling numb, unsure, frozen. Time couldn't go by slower. She'd get up, pace a little before sitting back down.

She'd then settled herself in Maven's lap and fell asleep. Her tears and thoughts drained everything from her causing an easy sleep to take her.


"Katie get up." Madeline whispered.

"The doctor wants to talk to you." She said.

"Okay." Katie said standing and rubbing her eyes.

"The damage was bad. He will be alright though but he will need a lot of help. For now he is unconscious and unable to breath on his own. This is what we call a coma but it isn't medically induced. He has been in this state since he's gotten here." The doctor said and Katie trembled feeling tears well up.

"It's okay we can help." Madeline said and Katie looked back.

"Are you su-"

"We are positive. We can help with the bills and be there for you for as long as you need." May finished and Katie sighed choking down the lumps developing in her throat.

"You can't see him because he hasn't been settled into a normal room yet so maybe go home, rest. Just take time to relax although that may be difficult. Just try." The doctor said and she nodded.

"I'll try."

It's a lot going on hereee tell me, how do you like the story so far? I'm curious?

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