5. Bills

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Macey's POV

I hate not having every period with Katie.

I had math now and I never paid attention. On a normal non Katie day I'd make out with Jayla. She's been scowling at Katie but I warned her.

"Please May I don't know what you see in her but I'm the better option. I cure your boredom." She pleaded and I laughed.

The second her hand brushed my shoulder I grabbed it tightly hearing a few pops as I turned around.

"Don't speak to me. Don't touch me or Maven. Don't what so ever bring any harm to my Katie or I swear to god a bullet will be between your eyes quicker than you can say my name. Do you understand me?" I asked staring into her now tear filled eyes as she nodded.

"Good." I said letting go and turning back around.

"Fucking loser." I said as she went out into the hall.

I waited the whole hour for the bell to finally ring and it did.

I met Mav in the hall and she looked sad.

"I might ditch last period." She said and I nodded.

"Do what you wish but I've got a good next period." I said smug and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh shush you love me." I said in response to her attitude.

"I don't when you rub it in my face." She said and she winked at me before leaving and I laughed.

I went to my last period. Economics with my girl.

I walked in and sat where her things were but she wasn't sitting there. I think she'd be in the bathroom.

My phone rang.

"Hey Mav."

"Come to the bathrooms." She said and there was crying in the background.

I ran out and went into the bathroom seeing Jayla tag teaming Katie with her friends and we jumped in. I pulled my knife from my bra and stabbed Jayla in the stomach and grabbed her friend pulling her off and doing the same.

Maven followed suit and blood mainly from Katie was spilled everywhere.

"Call 911." Maven yelled and I did as I got on my knees next to Katie. Her body was red and covered with swollen marks and bruises.

"Hello yes come quick." I said and hung up knowing they got the locations and shit.

"I'll call mama." I said and I dialed her telling her what happened.

The ambulance came and got Katie as well as another for the other four girls.

We walked out with her in the rolling bed and got in our car and followed.

"Mama is meeting us there." I said and Mav nodded.

I felt panic rise in me but I knew she was okay.

We got there and mama was in the waiting area while a man started crying seeing her in the rolling bed.

"You must be Katie's dad." I said and he looked up and sniffled. He looked exhausted. His longer brunette hair was messed up and his eyes were bright red. His tie undone. He was lanky but had Katie's same brown eyes.

"Is she alright? Did you help her?" He whispered. His voice was masculine but carried the same tone and smoothness as Katie's.

"Yes we got to her in time and she is alright." Mav said and he nodded holding the bridge of his nose.

"Thank you for helping her. Are you close?" He asked and I nodded.

"We're her friends yes." I said and he took a breath.

"Well I thank you two young ladies. I'm Brian Levine." He said and he held out his hand in which each of us even mama took.

"I am Madeline Moore and these are my daughters Maven and Macey Moore. It is a pleasure to meet you but I wish it was under different circumstances." Mama said and he smiled showing the same dimples Katie has. She takes a lot after her father.

"I do too but I am grateful to meet Katie's helpers." He said as a doctor walked out.

"She is okay. She will have bruising along her body but nothing internal. She should relax the next week or two letting those bruises and aches heal." He said and Brian nodded.

"Thank you what room?" Brian asked and the doctor said, "134".

We went back and let him go in first.

"Hey Katie." He said and she smiled.

"Hi papa." She said and it was so wholesome to watch.

"Does she have a mother?" Mama asked.

"Her mom left her recently but we don't know anything else." I said and mama looked so sad.

"She really is a beautiful girl. Good taste." Mama said and I smiled.

"She's amazing." Mav said and I nodded.

"You can come in." Mr. Levine said and we went in.

I brushed the hair off her forehead and Mav took her hand.

"Are you alright?" I asked and she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"I am thank you for helping me. I have a question." She whispered and we came closer.

"What's up darling?" Mav asked.

"My dad. He won't stop working and with these bills it'll become worse. Can you maybe help out with this singular bill if your mom is alright with it? He can't keep working like this." She begged and I saw tears fill her eyes.

"Of course but I have a request in return." Mav said and I looked at her.

"Instead of homecoming because you can't go come to our house and we can have movies and s'mores and games." She said and I smiled down at Katie.


"We will talk to our mom tonight." I said and she nodded.

"Thank you so much." She whispered and I kissed her forehead lightly.

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