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" is he really my son ? you're not joking me right ? " Jake asked her for the nth time . he couldn't believe that he already had a son , an adorable one to be exact .

" yes .. can't you see the resemblance ? he got it all from you " she answered him , she's trying to make him realize that Coby is really his son because he seems like dreaming .

" no way, his eyes are yours, love .. and he also got your smile " he insisted , which is true . Jacob is a combination of their facial features but mostly of Jake . the resemblance of him is so strong that you can actually tell that the child is his .

they're now at the Choi's peaceful abode and Jacob is being introduced to his father . Jazmine wants the both of them to meet once and for all after all the drama that had happened . Jake deserves to meet his own son and Jazmine felt sorry for hiding the baby for so long .

and now that Jake had his memories back , she's sure that he'll do everything he can to be with Jazmine again . she knows that Jake still loves her and she also felt the same way .

and as for Taehyun , he wholeheartedly accepted the fact that Jazmine can't be his .. he knows from the start that he has no chance but still tried in hopes that he can win her heart but it seems that destiny is not in favor with him . but good thing they're still good friends ..

and I know some of you may wonder or NOT what had happened to Erica , jake just simply cut ties with their family business .. all their shares had been withdrawn , including those of his mom and dad's . he knows that without the Sim's help , their company can't stand alone .

if he would tell , it's not that enough compared to the years that he suffered from an amnesia . she's the one to blame from all of this because if she didn't did those things , Jake didn't get into an accident and be in a coma for a year .

he also holds some grudge for his mom for being an accomplice with erica . he knows that the both of them are into it but since it's his mother , he couldn't do anything to harm her . but she already asked for forgiveness that he gave afterwards . he can't stand being angry with her , she's his mother after all.

him and Jaz are now in good terms and had a talk after he got discharged from the hospital .. Jazmine confessed that she got pregnant after she left him and also asked for forgiveness for leaving him alone . though , Jake also asked forgiveness for the things that he had done in the past but what's important now is how they'll be together again as a family .

Jake wanted to have his own family ever since and it made him happy that he already got . all they need now is them to be wedded and for Coby not to be an illegitimate child since he was just registered under Jazmine's name . he is the future of the Sim Enterprises so his identity must be cleared .

" love , will you marry me ? " Jake asked her out of nowhere . they're just babysitting Coby and Jake just suddenly talked about it .

Jazmine couldn't answer right away because of shock . she isn't prepared for this .. well , who will be prepared for something like this ? and even though it's sudden and simple , she felt the sincerity from Jake . she knows that he really wanted this and it's also the same for her . they planned to have their own family before the whole chaos had happened . and hearing him proposing to her now is a dream come true .

her eyes becomes watery , feeling emotional at the moment .. Jake was still holding the baby in his arms and waiting for her to answer ..

" yes love , I will marry you . I've been waiting this ever since and I wouldn't say no to you " she said , wiping the tear from the sides of her eyes .

Jake , who's holding the baby smiled widely , finally hearing it from her . he dreamed of this years ago when they're still together .. all he wanted was to be her husband and to take care and love her until his last breath .

Jake moved to hug her with his left arm .. they're now a picture of a happy family .

" now , you can't leave me ever again " Jake said with a grin and Jazmine slaps him in his shoulder

" hey ! should I tell you again why did I left you before ? you and that girl-" she was cutted when Jake placed a soft peck on her lips . both of them smiled after . the past isn't important right now it should be forgotten ..

" I'm sorry if I didn't proposed in a romantic set up "

" no , it's okay .. this is all I want . you and Coby is enough for me . " she sincerely says and placed her head on Jake's shoulder . she really missed being close to him like the old days . Jake is her comfort zone and so as Jake .

" I promise that our wedding will be grand .. and you will be the most beautiful girl to ever exist " Jake told her but she tilted her head

" what ? aren't I already the most beautiful girl in your eyes ?"

Jake chuckled at her statement .. she is , indeed ..

" yes , you are love .. "

" good , that's how you should answer . " jazmine said like a boss ..

" alright boss ! " he said while he holds Coby who's jumping on his lap .

it's a bit different now that they have Coby . Jake must give them both an equal attention but he wasn't complaining . he loves how it feels . he loves being a father . he dreamed of it .

being a dad makes him giddy and contented . he feels the sense of responsibility but he knows he can do it , with the help of Jazmine . he promise that he'll give their son the time that he needs and won't follow what his parents did before . the absence of parents is hard and he doesn't want his child to suffer what he had suffered before .

" jaz , i love you " Jake says as he stares at Jazmine .. Jazmine still had those beautiful eyes that Jake drowned into . her captivating smile that makes his heart melt everytime .. she's still the Jazmine he knew , that Jazmine that loves him . he may had forgotten some of his memories before , but he's happy now that the memory of her and what they used to will forever be engraved in his heart .

yes , some memories could be forgotten as time passes by but they can still make more memories that they'll cherish forever .


:I made an FMV for this story on tiktok but it's just the two of them , no side characters included lol . it's under #thememoryofyou if you want to watch it ☺️

thank you for reading !

thank you for reading !

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