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Jeju , South Korea

Jake was now in Jeju finally , he just felt that the place hides something important that he must dig it up . He feels that he can find something significant for him to finally get back his memories and his life .

" Mr. Sim Jaeyun , glad to finally meet you " One of the investors, actually the biggest and the chairman of the board spoke , whilst having a mocking tone . He just felt Jake wasn't that worthy to be the next CEO . The are others who were more deserving than Jake in his opinion .. mich like he was one of the others .

Jake then offered his hand for them to shake , " it's also my pleasure Mr . Kim" he also felt that the older was somewhat doesn't want him to be there .

He then went to shake hands with other members of the board . Then took the seat at the center as he was now the CEO of the company that was empty for quite some time .

Mr. Kim , though he doesn't want to announce it stands up to finally proclaim Jake's rights on the company as the heir of the Sim family .

" I hereby announce , our new CEO , Mr. Sim Jaeyun " he ended his remark with a forced clap that didn't go unnoticed by Jake . This old man is really getting into his nerves .

Everyone stands up to clap their hands , welcoming him . . And congratulated him .

Jake cleared his throat as he started to speak ,

" Good day everyone , I , Sim Jaeyun will do my very best to run this company on it's high peak ."

He then continued to say his speech and some of the board were whispering something like he's incompetent , he's still young and he doesn't deserve the position . Though they've been hushing , he could still clearly hear them .

In his opinion , yes , he was young but he can compete to those oldies in terms of managing business tho he doesn't have experience yet . Or maybe he's just ahead of himself and quit along the way . He still needs supervision , he admit that but he'll do everything he can or overexert his own skills just to prove them he was worth it .

After the board meeting , he was situated on his new office .. he scans the place and smiled , this is what his parents want and he'll do anything in his might to fullfil their wish .

A knock was soon heard from the door , then the sliding door opened , revealing a middle aged woman .

" Mr. Sim , I'm sorry but we fail to find a secretary for you .. but the application is on going , I'll be your secretary for a while " she said and Jake nodded .

" Just hire someone as soon as possible , it's not that I don't want you to be my secretary but you must need one for me . " He commanded and the lady nodded " and please , it's better to the same age as me so she can cope up with my pace since I'll be going out sometimes . It should be a girl . Guys are sometimes stubborn , I hate stubborn people " he added and the lady made sure to take note of it .


" Woah , can you believe that coby is now one year old ?" Their mom said while carrying the baby .

Today is baby coby's birthday or shall we say Jacob . They're now at the resort taehyun's family owned and the place where Ni-ki do his part time . Jazmine decided to celebrate her son's first birthday here as taehyun was insisting , again that she can't help but accept the offer once again but they'll pay for the expenses in return . She doesn't want to be a burden to the boy anymore . He already helped a lot .

Ni-ki on the other hand was excelling in his studies and earning much on his part times most importantly because of the show every saturday night where he usually dance .

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