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It was scorching hot as it was almost high noon and Jazmine was still roaming over the town . She's been to ever five agencies and companies to apply but they said they'll call her again . She was panting as the heat absorbed the fluids inside her body . She leaned on a lamp post for a while to take a deep breath .

With all the stress and tiredness , she felt dizzy .. she then looked for something to sit but there's no bench near the place . Her water bottle has dried up , and her available food is a pack of biscuit . She also felt hungry . But she must rest for a while before looking for a place to eat .

Soon , she found a bench near a building then sat on the other side of it because there's a man who already sitting on it .

" Excuse me , I'll sit here on the other side . I'm really exhausted from job hunting . " Her eyes began to blur .

The man hums so she leaned her side by the bench , still not facing the man on the other side of the bench . The said guy was holding a newspaper on his hand , probably job hunting also .

" Have you tried applying at the building on your back ?" The man asked , though the voice was a bit familiar but he's talking in english .

" Ah , not yet . Are they hiring someone ?" She asked and her head began to ache again . Probably because of the heat .

" Yeah , a secretarial position " he said then stands up . She looked at him but the blinding sunlight prevents her to see him clearly and her vision was a bit blurry . She must need to eat .

The guy soon left her so she shrugged it off , his voice was a bit young and familiar but sounds so professional . She also left the bench and look for a place to eat before she continued to look for a company to work .


" I guess I'll try applying on that building the man told me to apply " she said as she came back from where she met the guy earlier . There's really a building behind that bench so she went inside .

She applied and soon interviewed , and to her surprise .. she immediately hired . And can start working tomorrow.

" Woah , that guy must be an angel . He just sent me to good workplace "

And with she went home with a smile on her face . She can't wait to tell the news to her family and also taehyun .

" I found a job !" She exclaimed as she opened the door to enter . She then saw her mom with Ni-ki cooking some snacks and taehyun babysitting coby . He was really trying hard to be worth it for her .

" Wow ! Congratulations !" Taehyun went to welcome her with coby in his arms . He then placed a kiss on her sweaty forehead .

" Hey , I'm sweaty .. wait there , I'll just take a quick shower " she then went upstairs to have a shower in her room

After some moment , they were all settled on the living room with a bunch of Ni-ki's favorite , fish buns . .

" Noona , when will you start working ?" Ni-ki ask , stuffing the food in his mouth

" They said I can work tomorrow "

" But we haven't found a babysitter for coby and it's not even weekends , I can't skip class ." Ni-ki said in a sad tone ..

" That's what I have in mind also , but mom's day off is tomorrow , she can take care of coby . " " Hyun , have you found a babysitter for coby ?" She then asked the male on his side ,with a baby on his lap , chewing on his teether .

" That's why I'm here . . To tell you I found one but she wants to start on monday since she had to fix something at home , by the way .. I had two days off this week it'll be a day after tomorrow so I can babysit this boy for a while since it's weekends after and Ni-ki can do the rest " he said and Jazmine sighed in relief .

" Oh gosh what a relief , I can finally find peace in my mind " she just said as she leaned her back on the couch and chewed in the fish bun

And so it was settled , they're gonna do alternates in taking care of baby coby to Jazmine can focus on her work since the actual babysitter was starting on monday .

She just can't wait to start her work tomorrow . Taehyun really did a big help for them . An actual life saver if Jazmine would say .


She left their house smiling , she knows that some great will happen today . Of course it's her first day of work . She skipped her way to the place went applied the day before and entered the lobby .

It was her second time to enter today but still amaze her how big the building is . She giggled to herself thinking she'll be working here from now on .

She meet the middle aged lady she talked to yesterday and guided her to the office of the CEO .

'oh gosh , I'm working with the CEO ' she squealed internally as she saw room from the hallway .

The lady made her remember everything about the CEO and she can't help but to feel very nervous because it might be a scary old man . She doesn't want to stupidly ruin her first day today so she must leave a good first impression for him . Yes , she knows it was a guy . And he's Mr. Sim . Yeah same as Jake's

She gulps as she grabbed the knob and twist before pushing it inside . She could see a guy in his suits standing by the window , whilst holding a cup of coffee .

" Uhmm , good day Mr. Sim .. I'm your new secretary , I'm Jazmine Choi " she introduced herself while staring at the back of him . Why isn't he looking back ?

" Don't you think today is a good day ?" He asked ,of course it's in korean now and it made her brows frown .. wait ..

" Huh ? Ahh .. y-yes sir . It is " she stuttered

Her new boss then faced her and looked at her eyes , then sat down as if nothing happened though Jazmine on the other hand froze on her position as her eyes widened .. as if she just saw a living corpse or a ghost .

" Why are you so shocked ? Quit staring , I know I'm handsome but you should start working now .. miss Choi " He said ..

" J-jake ?!" She exclaimed when she regained her consciousness

The said boy was also shock . This girl knew him . But why can't he remember her ?

On the other hand , Jazmine was also puzzled as to why the guy seems to doesn't remember her ? Is he really Jake ? Is she dreaming ? Yeah , might be a nightmare . But why would she dream in a broad ligh ? But the real thing is , he can't remember ! Or he just pretend to not remember anything ?

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