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Jake's mom doesn't want to let the media and other people to know about Jake's accident as she wanted it to be private . Thankfully , Jake survived but was still at the ICU , he was in a comatose stage .

It's been three weeks from the accident and all Jake's mom ever wanted was for Jake to recover . His dad even left his businesses abroad to take care his son , personally .

Jazmine on the other hand doesn't know anything about Jake . As per Jake's mom decision that no one else would know about Jake's current state aside from the family .

Though Jazmine really thinks that their relationship was over because she thought that Jake had given up on her . He doesn't even went to her to formally clear things out .

She doesn't even call him , she was still angry at him for betraying her . Jay was the one who's been calling but she doesn't answer it thinking he was being a bridge for them .. to make her reunite with Jake . But that's not Jay's reason as he was not aware of everything that had happened . All we wants to know is that why did Jake left his apartment in a mess .. he called Jake several times but he wasn't available ,maybe he broke his phone or changed his number but why so sudden ?? He even went to Jake's house to talk to him but the guard just keeps on telling him that the family isn't available .

" Mom , should we go back to our hometown ?" She suggested though her mom was confused as to why she suddenly came up with the idea .

The family knows about what happened between her and Jake . Jazmine told them what had the boy has done and the both of them felt sorry for her . She even told Sunoo through phone and the said male was enraged about what he heard . He wanted to come back as soon as possible but Jazmine stopped him since she wants her best friend to enjoy his time with his father .

" Why ? Is it still about Jake ? " Her mom asked

Jazmine was hesitant to answer . She fidgets her hand before opening her mouth to speak .

" Uhmm , yeah ? I guess I needed somewhere far from here to forget such bad memories . I can't move on mom if I'll stay here for long . Everywhere I look in this house reminds me of him " her mom just sighed , she understands her daughter's situation as she can see how she go on almost everyday, crying or spacing out. She felt pity for her .

" Noona, I'll go with you if you want to go back to the province ." Ni-ki reassured , he knows that she needs him more now . And he'll prove to her that she can lean on him always .

Ni-ki reached out his hand for her to hold that she instantly took and squeezes it softly .. Ni-ki really knows how to comfort her .

" If that's what you want , okay we'll go . But let me fix some things at the office first . I'll just request if they can transfer me at the branch near our place . Hopefully they'll let me go . " Her mom spoke that made her smile .

She stood up before embracing her mom.

" Thanks mom , you're the best !" She told her and Ni-ki came after as they do a group hug .


A week after , they moved out from the apartment they previously rented and went home where they originally from . A town from Jeju . Thankfully, the office where their mom worked , approved her request to transfer and good thing the branch in Jeju needed additional worker so she didn't have any problems .

But hearing that the family went back to Jeju made Sunoo sad . Much more that he didn't even saw the siblings before they left because his dad requested another month for him to stay . Though they always video called , it's still different having interactions in person . He just wished that everything didn't happened . Maybe if Jake didn't entered her life , he wouldn't be far from his best friend now .

The family had some adjustments at their old environment which they had left for more than five years . Though it doesn't changed that much but still it feels something new to them .

" Mom ! Can I roam around ?" Ni-ki shouted from his room .

" Ofcourse son , take your sister with you so she'll breathe some fresh air . She's been staying inside her room , she needs sunlight " she shouted back , busy at making their lunch .

Ni-ki then ran across from his room to Jazmine's , his footsteps echoed the place since it's quiet silent . Only Ni-ki making the noise , as always . He then barged inside the older's room but he sighed while he enter as he could see his sister's belongings were strewn by the floor , almost covering the mini couch beside the wall .

" Yah , noona .. you haven't unpacked some of your things ? We've been here for almost two days . Oh gosh , what's this ?" Ni-ki scolded then kicked some of her boxes on the floor .

" Geez, I'm still not in the mood to arrange them . Mind helping me later ?" Jazmine spoke , still laying at the bed by her stomach

" Eh ? Just say you're lazy . I'll help you later but now you have to come with me " Ni-ki blurted and Jazmine raised hee head from being rested at her pillow .

" I ain't coming with you " she instantly declined it and rest again her head by the pillow but this time , turning away from Ni-ki

Ni-ki had to tiptoe from the scattered things just to walk around to face her at the other side of the bed .

" Eyy , don't be a brat and get up !" He said while pulling her arms up for her to stand up .. though the girl resisted , she still can't beat the younger's force . He's so strong .

" Okay , okay .. just don't pull me . I'll just change . Wait for me downstairs " she ordered and Ni-ki just rolled by her bed , not wanting to walk again by her things on the floor .

" Hmm , maybe some sunlight and fresh air would be great " she mumbled while looking for a nice dress to wear

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