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"Jake ! Congratulations !" Erica cheered as she walks towards Jake and Jay . She was followed by jake's mom .

Once she she's near at Jake , she didn't hesitate to place a kiss on his cheeks but quiet near his lips .. it was intentional as she can see Jazmine from a far and she was still trying to allure Jake . Jake gulped and Jay could see it clearly .

The said boy instantly distance himself from her and Jay just hissed in dismay . He then placed his arms on Jake's shoulder , slightly pulling him to his side to separate him from the girl .

" Oh son .. I'm so proud of you " Jay release his grasp from Jake as he saw Jake's mom was advancing towards Jake for a hug .

Jake return the hug after . He wouldn't deny , he misses his mom .

" Thanks mom " he replied as her mom kissed her on his cheeks

" Should we celebrate your graduation in a dinner ? Jay , you can come " She suggested then invites Jay who's silent on the side

" Can I bring Jazmine with me ?" Jake said , almost pleading

" I bet she had also a celebration with her family so I guess it's better if it's only us " she refused that Jake drop his smile

He just wanted them to get together ..

Jay on the other hand was so eager to join them as he doesn't want Erica to do something on Jake again .. well , not on his watch . He doesn't have a family to be with tonight so he'll definitely go with them for sure . His parents couldn't come because of some important business but promised Jay to be there the day after in which Jay understands . He doesn't want to disturb them anyways . But Heeseung had came to his graduation but left earlier to do some errands .

" Don't worry Jake , I'm coming " he said to reassure Jake ..

" Let's go then ?" Erica said then moved closer to cling and began to cling on his arms but Jake purposely removed his arms from her grasp then get his phone on his pocket .

" Wait , lemme go to Jazmine before we could go . Just wait us on the parking mom " Jake said before grabbing Jay on his wrist just to avoid Erica .

" Oh nice one bro " Jay praised him

Both of them went running to Jazmine's direction .

" Hey love .. congratulations ! " he congratulated his girlfriend before bowing his respect on Mrs. Choi at the bench not that far from them

" You too love " she then gave Jake a quick hug ..

" Also you too Jay .. would you want to go with us to celebrate ?" She asked them both

" Mom said we'll also having a dinner to celebrate love so I'm afraid can't go with you .. sorry "

The girl just holds his hands to reassure him that it's okay ..

" It's okay , besides you're staying with Jay so you must have time with your mom at least "

" I'm sorry , I couldn't introduce the both of them .. I'm afraid my mom would hate your mom also " Jake said .. not wanting to have another chaos between the two ladies

" i understand love .. just don't think too much and enjoy the night with your mom " she happily said then swayed their hands

She kept smiling but deep inside she's a bit jealous about what she saw earlier . She saw how Erica kissed Jake and if you're on a different angle , you can tell that she kissed him on the lips but good thing she saw it clearly that it wasn't . That made her felt relieve

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