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jake was now staring at his iced americano as if it's the most entertaining thing to look at . actually , he's just spacing out . there were questions in his mind that he doesn't know how to answer . but one thing he's sure , he likes jazmine and it's all that matters for him as of the moment. both of them got closer as days passes by and jake can't hide his feelings anymore .

all he think as of now is how he can tell her what he felt and how can he express how much he likes her because it'll be confusing if he'll just send gifts to her all of a sudden .

but on the other hand , jazmine was also struggling because every single day , her feelings for jake keeps getting stronger . she knows she promised herself not to be associated with him aside from being his employee but it's not what's happening now .

she constantly scold herself everytime she'll feel flustered when jake would do some things that she likes or even by just smiling at her . it's more difficult when jake would suddenly be caring for her and act like a gentleman . it's her weakness .. and those eyes , the way he looks at her makes her heart melt .

everyday it's hard for her to be with jake .. she felt the butterflies that she used to feel before with him and this time it was stronger .

everytime they both go out , jake would purposely make time for them to talk about some random stuffs and make memories together just like the other day , they went to a well-known park and just sat there like an old couple . what's worst is , they used their working hours to date . they mostly escape from work to hang out but when they come back to the office , they act like nothing happened , that they're just casually working as a boss and employee . they had to act like that even if it's awkward . they don't want the others to know that there's something going on between them .

but what's that something ?

do they both like each other ?

should they continue what they used to have ?

but jake doesn't know anything about his past .. only jazmine's the only one who knew .

" miss choi .. do you want to eat outside ? " jake asked her when she came in to bring some research papers to him . they're not that busy , but they still have works to do

she likes the idea and was excited .. but her mind keeps telling her to stop going out with him and just focus on her work since that's her purpose in staying there .

" but sir , the team will have lunch outside and they want me to join them " she told him when she remembers their plan .

" ditch them . " jake sternly said .. he wants to be with her and he doesn't want no as an answer .

" huh ?! but I promised-"

" no , I said ditch them and go out with me . that's an order miss choi . now go and tell them you can't join them " he said , cutting her sentence .

then there it goes , jake is doing some magic in her again because the butterflies that once were silent was now lively swarming inside her stomach .

and in the end , she couldn't say no to him . she wanted to go also so why would she decline it ?

minutes later .. they just found themselves sitting inside a pizza restaurant . just the two of them and smiling sweetly with each other , like they used to ..

" so jaz , do you like the food here ? " he asked .. yes , he's calling her by her name . this is them when they're outside . first-name basis ..

" yup ! we should come back here next time " she said before she could take a bite

jake chuckled when some chili sauce was left on the side of her mouth ..

" there's sauce on your lips jaz .. "

jazmine wiped it but she just smudged it .

" you just made it more messy .. let me do it " he said and moved closer to reach for her lips and wiped the sauce . she can't hide the blush that's spreading on her cheeks now . it can't be hidden either ways .

her eyes widened when jake licked the sauce that's on his thumb .. it wasn't new to her since jake would randomly do it before but this time he looks so hot just by doing it .

he chuckled when he saw her reaction . it was the reaction he was expecting from her . he smirked after .

" uhmm so , we're finished . shall we go back to the office?" she tried to escape the awkwardness but failed when jake shakes his head and stared at her straight in the eyes . she gulped and look away .

" it's still early jaz and we can still walk by the park . and I believe I don't have any schedule this afternoon so we're free " he said and gave her his gummy smile ..

' why is he acting so cute when a moment earlier , he looked so hot like hell ' jazmine just asked herself .. amazed by jake's duality

" oh right ! " she said enthusiastically , remembering jake's schedule for the day .

jake stands up indicating that they have to leave so she followed his actions . once they were outside the restaurant , she was surprised when jake grabbed her hand . she looked at him in bewilderment.

jake just smiled at her .. he knows what he's doing . ever since they gotten close , jake wanted to do this .. and it was the same for the girl . she wanted this too .. she misses him but what are they ? what is she aside from being his secretary ?

they just walked side by side and holding unto each other's hands . jake doesn't mind being caught by others even he knows to himself that he have a girlfriend . he doesn't care .. he doesn't really care about erica . though jazmine was a little hesitant with their skin ship . it's a bit intriguing in other's eyes if they'll see you holding your boss' hands .

" I really love how your hand fits in mine .. it feels familiar " jake said that made her to stop walking

she looked at him searching for signs that this man is remembering his past but jake just smiled at her innocently .

" you're just saying that because you've held many hands before " she said then squinted her eyes but he just giggled .. it's as if she just told him a joke .

" I didn't remember holding anyone's hand before . oh , I had an amnesia so I'm not quite sure tho "

she felt like something pinched her in her heart . she's hurt by just hearing from him that he doesn't remember himself holding someone else's hand . they did it whenever they're together before but all those memories were vanished together with the memory of loving her .

" why you got silent ? is there something wrong ? " he asks

" no , I just remembered something "

" good for you , you remembered .. " he said and she doesn't know how to respond . is he mocking her or did he just said it unconsciously ?

" but I don't care about my past now that I met you and you're with me . whatever my past is , it doesn't matter as long as you're not there " and again she doesn't know what to say . she felt pity for him .. should she tell him about their past ? the past where they're deeply inlove with each other ..

she was about to say something when Jake's phone vibrated from his coat .

" what ? why are you here ?!" jake said sternly .. as if he doesn't want the one he's talking to come .

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