"What made you think that?" I asked, growing interested in why this was the second time today hearing that.

"When we all hung out after our first day back, I noticed you were being all shy and nervous around him. Then certain days it was like you couldn't stop staring and making googly eyes at him so I knew something was off. But what really gave it away was that nasty hickey on your neck." Jin pointed out and I slapped a hand over the side of my neck looking forward at the table to hide my blushing state. I should've used more concealer today.

"But what I'm so confused about is if you guys are messing around why is he still flirting with other women?" His brows plucked as his eyes gazed off while he thought about the question he asked.

And there it was. I wanted to tuck myself into my oversized hoodie to avoid answering that question because even I'm having a hard time wrapping it around my head. But the answer is simple, we're not a thing.

"Just because we're having casual sex doesn't mean we're together Jin, we just hook up occasionally." I shrugged because it wasn't a big deal.

"From what I hear it's every fucking day." He murmured under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his pettiness. "You said I should be careful, why?"

"Because this isn't something that I thought you would do Noelle. Out of all of us, including Sky, I thought you would be the one that has that old-fashion love story. So it took me back when you said you're having casual sex with a guy that seems to be having casual sex with other women as well."

I choked on my coffee and grabbed for my throat which was burning and sizzling. What does he mean Tae is having sex with other women, including me? I shook my head denying what Jin was telling me as some lie or myth because it couldn't be. My skin crawled with disgust and I felt like I had to puke where I sat.

"How do you know this?"

He scoffed, "Well obviously this may be a big school but our department is small, and people talk. There have been some rumors about Taehyung sneaking around with two of the girls from criminal justice class and they don't even know each other. I do love Tae but he's got these girls wrapped around his fingers." Jin looked at me when he said those words with a sympathetic look, almost like he regretted saying that because I was one of those girls that were wrapped around those long slender hands of his.

"B-But this r-rumor isn't true?" My voice was small in comparison to how it was before, all big and confident. I wonder where that voice went. I thought about earlier this morning when I caught him walking with some girl and it looked like he was really interested in her. I don't think he ever once looked at me the way he did with her. It wasn't flirtatious or lustful, it was just pure happiness in the way he looked at her.

I'm jealous.

Jin held his hands up and shrugged, "I have no clue but it doesn't seem far off from what I've seen. He's been hanging out with the babies and both Jimin and Jungkook say anytime they go out to bars or clubs it's like he carries a whole entourage in his back pocket."

What a fucking asshole. God, I'm such a fucking fool for thinking this might work, and in only a span of two whole weeks, I'm already thinking about airing this bitch out. I was fuming, livid as I tried to process what was being told to me. My jaw clenched and my fist was bawling tightly into themselves as I blew fire from my nose.

Jin reached over the table and touched my hand and I glanced over at him seeing him with a thoughtful smile and that anger slowly dwindled down. This is my fault. I knew the risks and yet I took the chance anyway because I thought for once Taehyung might be different than the others.

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