Chapter 28

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A couple of months passed and Akaashi decided to visit his grandmother for a few weeks (not without feeling sad to be away from Bokuto), and also went to the doctor's check up. Both were happy to know his recovery was evolving as expected.

But, even though Akaashi felt comfortable with his grandmother and loved her very much, he couldn't bring himself to tell her about Bokuto when she asked about his life and where he was staying. He ended up making something up, scared of what her reaction might be if she knew he was with a man.

It frustrated and saddened him, to not be able to fully share his life with the only family he had left. But society wasn't very accepting in that matter, not at all, much less older generations. Nonetheless, he had a great time with her.

When he got back home, he told Bokuto he felt good enough to begin looking for a job.

They'd talked about it months ago, and both agreed he should rest and exercise until he felt better. Bokuto made sure to always spoil him with healthy food and kept his promise of working out together.

Now, Akaashi had put on some weight since he arrived four months ago, and felt much stronger and less tired everyday.

After making sure Akaashi really felt better, Bokuto supported him, and both began to look for job offers.

Since he used to be an editor, Akaashi thought he might look for something related to that, and after a few days, Bokuto found a job announcement in the city nearby.

As soon as he decided to take a shot at it, Akaashi's mind put him in the worst-case scenarios, as usual.

The morning of the interview, Bokuto noticed Akaashi was panicking. He kept fidgeting with his fingers and checking over and over if he had everything in his suitcase.

Bokuto wanted to go with him, and even talked to Akaashi about asking for that day off, but the latter declined, although he thanked him for being so thoughtful. He just felt he had to face that alone, but he had to admit, now he was so anxious that his stomach hurt.

He was trying to regularize his breathing in front of the bathroom mirror, when he felt Bokuto's arms wrapping his waist.

"Akaashi, you can do this", Bokuto said tenderly, before kissing Akaashi's temple. "I know you're worried about all the time it's been since you last faced something like this, and also about your disability, but you really can do this. Look at all you've faced before. This is nothing compared to that".

Akaashi looked down, worried, and Bokuto moved so he faced him, to then cup his face and make him look at him.

"You are an amazing person, Kaashi, I'm sure they'll notice how responsible and dedicated you are. And even if this job doesn't work out, you'll at least have that interview experience, and we'll keep looking. Don't let your worries get the best of you. I know you can do this, so go out there and give it your best!".

Akaashi smiled at how bright and full of energy his lover looked. He always managed to light up his days and push his dark thoughts away.

They kissed sweetly after Akaashi thanked him, and after a last hug, both left the house to their respective destinations.

That whole day, Bokuto kept thinking about how Akaashi was doing. He wasn't worried about the interview, he knew Akaashi was the smartest person he'd known, but he worried about his trip there. Even though he noticed Akaashi much more stable, he couldn't help but worry about him having an accident or falling and not being there to help him.

When Bokuto got home from work, he found Akaashi reading in the living room, looking serious.

"Akaashi! How are you? Did you have a nice trip? Does your leg hurt? How did the interview go?", he asked, speaking faster at every question.

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