Chapter 17

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It took a while for Bokuto to remember all the things that happened last night. He sat on the bed and noticed Akaashi was gone. He hoped he'd rested more comfortably that way.

A bit sleepy, he walked to the kitchen, to find Akaashi cooking something.

"Hey", the blue-eyed man greeted him.

"Good morning, Akaashi!", claimed, surprised to see him. Bokuto then sniffed. "Hey, what is that? It smells really good!".

"I'm making pancakes. You seemed really tired, so…".

"Woaaah! Thank you so much!", Bokuto claimed, suddenly full of energy.

Akaashi chuckled. Bokuto sometimes had the enthusiasm of a little kid with a new toy.

He ate his breakfast cheerfully as Akaashi read next to him.

"So… What's your plan? Will you keep living in this town?".

"I don't think so… I have to give this house back, since the church only gives it to the priests of this town. I was planning to visit my mother once my duties here were done. It's been almost a year since I last saw her… And I intend to ask her about the house that my grandmother inherited me. It's in a northern town and practically has to be made again, but I was thinking about moving there".

"How much left do you have to stay here?".

"Bishop said three more weeks".

"Oh… I see…".

Akaashi felt his chest compress. There was practically no time left. Was Bokuto just going to leave without telling him anything if he hadn't asked? Just like that? He thought that at least he would tell him about it. Maybe he didn't really care. And it's not like he was obligated to tell him about his plans, but still, he felt kind of hurt.

"I wanted to ask you something… I know it's unexpected but… Would you help me move?".

Akaashi looked up at him, surprised.

"I mean, it's ok if you don't want to! I could go by myself, but it's just that… It would be nice to go with someone you trust and… I trust you…".

As he said those words, Bokuto's heart increased it's rhythm. Of course he could go by himself. But moving meant the possibility of never seeing him again. He actually contemplated Akaashi alongside him in his new home, but then he realised he was assuming he would come with him. He was being selfish by thinking that. He didn't know what Akaashi wanted, so he wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

Akaashi chuckled. He felt stupid for thinking those thing a few seconds ago. But he was also relieved. He wanted to keep being with him, for as long as Bokuto wanted him in his life.

"Sure, I'll help you", said with a smile.

Bokuto smiled back at him enthusiastically.

Those three weeks passed in a blink of an eye, and the last day of Bokuto being a priest arrived.

At his last mass, he announced to the crowd about his decision, and thanked them for all their support throughout the years. People were shocked and devastated. Some even cried, which made Bokuto very emotional, but thankfully, most of them respected his decision, and wished him the best.

Akaashi couldn't help but feel bad when he witnessed that. If only he hadn't been so selfish, if only they'd never met, none of this would've happened. Bokuto wouldn't have made that drastic decision.

But it was his call. All he could do was respect it and support him.

Next day, they began packing Bokuto's stuff. The latter was strangely quiet and thoughtful, and Akaashi noticed.

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