Chapter 12

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From then, it became a common thing for Bokuto to find Akaashi sitting on the couch of his living room, reading, when he got home from work. It really didn't bother him. Akaashi was really silent, it was almost like he wasn't there.

Except, of course, when he took the initiative for their "breaks".

Bokuto couldn't take the lead in that matter, he felt too embarassed for that, but he was glad Akaashi wanted to have sex almost everyday, because, deep inside, that's exactly what he wanted.

They were reading in Bokuto's living room, like usual, when a thought crossed his mind.



"I… Wanted to ask you a favor".

Akaashi looked at Bokuto, leaving his book aside.

"What kind of favor?", said with a suggestive smirk.

"No, it's not that… It's just… Could you find a deck of cards to play poker?".

Akaashi frowned in surprise.


"Yeah. When I was young, I played a lot and I really liked it. Well, at least from what I remember from my sober moments. But I thought it was really fun, I enjoyed that a lot. I know it's not socially accepted that a priest participates in those games but… Since it's you… I thought that maybe we could play together, if that's ok with you".

Akaashi chuckled slightly.

"I would've never imagined you liked poker. That's interesting".

Bokuto started to feel stupid for asking.

"If you don't want to, forget that I ever asked-".

"No, no, I'll get it. I actually played a few times but I was never very good at it. You'll have to teach me".

"Really?!", Bokuto claimed, excited. "Cool! Thank you!! Here, I'll give you some money so you can buy one".

Bokuto almost ran to get the money. He looked like a kid, overjoyed by the possibility of a new toy. That side of him surprised Akaashi. He'd never seen him like this, but now that he thought about it, it actually suited him, like it was a natural thing for him to do. His eyes had a different kind of light, it was like they irradiated excitement.

"Thank you so much!", Bokuto said as he gave Akaashi the money.

The latter couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'll get it by tomorrow".

That being said, Akaashi left Bokuto's house to buy a deck of cards. It was relatively late and the stores were almost closing, so Akaashi wanted to see if he could buy it now. Seeing Bokuto so thrilled about it made him want to have it as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the stores that sold it were already closed.

With nothing more to do, he went to the roof of a house, as usual. While looking at the sky, he found himself thinking about Bokuto's smile when he agreed to buy the deck. It made him smile. He looked really cute.

Akaashi then thought that maybe Bokuto had to repress certain aspects of his personality to be a priest. It made him curious. How would Bokuto act in a casual context?

He wanted to find out.

Morning came and Akaashi bought the deck of cards as soon as the store opened. He was going to give it to Bokuto right after, but then he remembered he had to work today.

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