Chapter 25

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Next morning, Bokuto woke up before his alarm clock rang, finding Akaashi sleeping deeply next to him, and smiled at the sight.

His black hair was messy and his mouth was slightly opened.

He thought he looked beautiful.

For the next couple of minutes, he watched Akaashi's factions, his long eyelashes, his lips, his neck, still a little incredulous that the love of his life was actually there.

Then, the alarm clock went on, making Akaashi grunt as Bokuto turned it off.

"Good morning, love", Bokuto whispered as he softly caressed Akaashi's face.

Akaashi grunted once again, not waking up entirely yet, and came closer to hug Bokuto, to which the latter blushed at how adorable his lover looked.

"Kaashi, I have to go to work", he said, but feeling Akaashi hug him tighter made him seriously consider skipping that day at his job. All he wanted to do was to stay by Akaashi's side.

He kissed the black-haired man's forehead.

"I have to leave, love. Be careful while I'm gone, ok? I'll be back as soon as possible".

Akaashi grunted again, and opened his eyes, meeting Bokuto's.

He smiled and leaned to caress Bokuto's face tenderly, overjoyed to be able to wake up to the sight of those eyes from now on.

He leaned in to kiss him tenderly.

"Have a good day, Bokuto", Akaashi whispered with a raspy voice.

They were still very close to each other, and kept looking into each other's eyes. Then, both began to lean again to a kiss that started sweetly, but became more passionate everytime.

Akaashi moved so there was no space left between them, to which Bokuto held him tighter by his lower back, their tongues intertwining as both felt that physical attraction they've felt for each other for so long.

Their hearts began to beat faster as they felt desire building up inside them.

Reluctantly, Bokuto kissed him one last time, slowly, knowing that if he kept going, he'd definitely stay at home.

"I love you", Akaashi whispered, his face expressing those words.

"I love you too".

Bokuto kissed Akaashi's forehead once more, and stood up to get ready, feeling his heart agitated.

Akaashi still felt tired, so he slept until past midday. It kind of bothered him how tired he felt most of the time, but the doctors said it was normal considering his situation.

When he woke up, he cooked some lunch and spent the afternoon reading and exercising.

Although he couldn't help but to think about that kiss.

He wanted him. He was eager to be with him. But the thought of Bokuto not liking his body made him insecure about taking iniciative.

Despite that, he could tell Bokuto was feeling the same desire as him back then.

"Shit, I hate to always overthink everything", Akaashi thought.

He headed to the bed to take a nap, tired after his exercises.

Bokuto got home in the afternoon, carrying a cake to celebrate Akaashi's arrival. He put his purchases in place and looked for Akaashi, finding him asleep in bed, resting on his side with his legs bent.

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