Chapter 26

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The rest of that week, they went back to the routine they had, only this time it was improved. They cooked together, played card games, worked out together, took late afternoon walks around the garden, and ended their day cuddling tenderly.

And although Akaashi felt extremely happy, there was always that annoying insecurity in the back of his mind about them getting physical.

During those days, Akaashi was more and more aware of Bokuto's body. Every movement he made, every contraction of his strong arms, was really attractive to him. And when Bokuto woke up to get ready for work, sometimes he could see him shirtless, and that was enough to make him blush and fantasize about him.

That thursday, Akaashi found himself thinking about Bokuto (again) while he cleaned the dishes from the meal he prepared rather late since he always overslept.

Then, he noticed this time it was easier to stand up for longer periods of time without the support of his cane.

He'd noticed some improvement in his leg during those days. It was easier to walk, always with a cane, of course.

Doctors said full recovery in cases like his were rare, so Akaashi was making up his mind to always have to use it. And then he worried about the limitations he'd have in the future. Maybe he'd have a hard time finding a job in that condition, and thought about all the things he wouldn't be able to do anymore.

All of that was on his mind when Bokuto arrived, and the latter noticed Akaashi's gloomy expression before greeting him.

"Hi, Bokuto. How was your day?".

The grey-haired man walked towards Akaashi, and hugged him from his back, his arms around his waist, to which the latter blushed slightly.

"It went alright", said before kissing his cheek. "But what about you? Are you ok? I noticed you looked sad just now".

Akaashi just finished washing the dishes, and remained in that position to avoid Bokuto's eyes. He felt ashamed and a little scared that Bokuto would see him as a weak person after telling him his worries, but feeling his arms around him holding him tighter, made him push that thought aside.

"I was just thinking that I'll probably always have this injury as one of the aftermaths, and well, that made me think of all the things I wouldn't be able to do anymore, or that maybe I wouldn't find a job because of it…".

Bokuto kissed Akaashi's neck sweetly.

"I can only imagine how frustrating that must be to you. But think of all the things you overcame. You were barely able to move at first, and now you can practically be fine all on your own!".

Akaashi smiled a little at his lover's words.

Bokuto tightened his embrace.

"I think you're too hard on yourself, Kaashi. Don't let your insecurities get the best of you. You're amazing and brave and smart and beautiful and capable of so many things. Don't forget that. And if you ever feel down again and forget how incredible you are, I'll be there to remind you. To me, you're perfect, Agaashi".

Akaashi chuckled a little. "Now you're giving me way too much credit".

"I mean it. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I really admire you, and I promise I'll do my best to be worthy of your love".

Akaashi couldn't believe Bokuto thought that way, since he always thought he didn't deserve such an amazing man by his side.

He turned his head to look at him.

"I should be the one saying those words. But thank you, Bokuto. Really. You… You always manage to make everything easier", he said with a tender smile.

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