Chapter 13

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Next day, Akaashi went to Bokuto's house earlier than usual, to spend more time reading, but also to be there just in case he got home earlier.

Hours passed and Bokuto didn't arrive. Usually he came home at 6 pm, but it was almost 8 pm and he still wasn't there. Maybe he'd too much work to do, but it was really unusual.

Akaashi started to think that he should go and look for him, but as soon as he thought of that, Bokuto arrived.

"Hi, Akaashi! How's it going?".

"Hi…", he answered as Bokuto put his suitcase and keys on the table. "Hey, is everything ok? You arrived really late today".

"Yeah! It's just that there were a lot of people waiting to confess, and I spent a long time with every one of them. That's actually unusual, but I guess it's not impossible", said cheerfully.

"Hmm", Akaashi let out, reflectively.

"Oh, sorry, have you been here for too long? I'm sorry, I didn't-".

"No, it's ok, you don't have to give me explanations. I just found it odd, that's all".

"Oh, ok!", Bokuto said, to then let out a tired sigh. "I really like helping people to confess their sins, but I have to admit, today's cases were mentally exhausting".

"What were they about?", the blue-eyed man answered, interested.

"Well, there was a lady that developed envy feelings toward her neighbor for being pregnant because she couldn't conceive kids with her husband, and there was an old man that got fired from his job and had no money and stole some food, and he was terribly sorry for tha-", Bokuto suddenly stopped, looking up to Akaashi, realising he shouldn't speak about other people's personal confessions.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I don't even know who they are, so if you want to tell me, I'll keep the secret", Akaashi said, anticipating Bokuto's thoughts.

The latter smiled a little. He was amazed by Akaashi's ability to read his thoughts. Or maybe he was just a predictable person. Whichever the case, he didn't mind it.

"You know, I feel like every time I confirm a theory I have. People who go to the confessional have, in fact, sinned, some have done terrible things, but they always had a reason for it. They don't do it because they're mean… They were somehow forced by numerous circumstances… To them, it felt like they had no choice. I know it doesn't justify their sins, but… I don't think sinning automatically makes people bad… Or at least that's what I've experienced. Maybe really bad people don't even go to confessionals in the first place…".

"Maybe… Although I've seen people that don't miss a mass and pray constantly but who are real assholes to other people".

"You know, maybe it's just this town, but I haven't seen people like that in all of these years".

"Well, this town is really small, and everyone seems so nice, but I also believe you think that way because you tend to look for the good in people".

"I've been told that in the past! Several times, actually… Do you think it's a bad thing?".

"Hmm… I think that makes you an easy target. If someone takes advantage of you because of it, then you should try being more distrustful every now and then".

Bokuto's face made a sad expression.

"Am I really that naive?".

"I said "if" someone takes advantage of you. You tend to trust people immediately, but you are also perceptive. I don't think you'll ever let someone treat you badly and get away with it".

Found by sin - BokuakaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu