Chapter 23

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Akaashi's rehabilitation process took longer than he thought.

An injury in his right knee and a few respiratory difficulties made him face two extra months of therapy and exams.

Akaashi thought he was going crazy.

Once again, after the injury, he got depressed for a few weeks, but his grandmother helped him a lot to overcome it.

He was lucky to have her. She practically raised him, and when his parents died when he was a teenager, she always took good care of him.

Those months were an utter torment for him, but finally, he was able to walk with his cane.

He talked to her grandmother about going to a different town to start a new life, and she was against it at first, but after a few days, she reluctantly agreed, with the condition of always keeping her informed.

Akaashi packed his stuff and prepared for his trip to Bokuto's house, which would take him a few days, since had to take at least two trains and a few busses to get there.

While he rested in those in-between town's hotels, his doubts multiplied.

"What if he moved out? What if I can't find him? What if I find him being with someone else? What if he was married?".

Akaashi wished with all his strength to have a button to shut his anxious mind off. He wasn't able to rest properly, even though he felt really tired.

Finally, he arrived at Bokuto's town during the afternoon. He planned to get something to eat before heading to his house, but even though he hadn't eaten anything in hours, he wasn't hungry. He was so nervous he was almost nauseous.

Since it was saturday, Bokuto should be at home since he didn't work on the weekends back then, so Akaashi took a bus and in a few minutes, he was a ten minute walk from Bokuto's house.

He began to walk, noticing his body a little sore from all the travelling.

When he turned to the street, he almost got paralized by fear.

What would he do if he wasn't real? Or worse, what would he do if Bokuto didn't remember him? Was that really worse? He didn't know.

He felt his heart rate increasing at every step, and began to breathe heavily.

He stopped for a moment, trying to collect himself.

If he didn't face this… If he didn't find out the truth… He'd regret it forever.

He had to do this. Even if it ended up being painful.

He opened the fence to get inside the garden, and knocked on the door, feeling his heart about to burst out from his chest.

After a few seconds, he thought that maybe no one was there, and then, he thought that maybe everything was a dream after all, when he heard footsteps inside the house, and his breathing stopped.

"Coming!", he heard someone saying.

It was his voice.

He froze as he saw the door opening.

"Yes?", Bokuto said as their eyes met.

Akaashi quickly looked down, partly because he was overwhelmed, but also because he was afraid of seeing him looking at him normally, without recognizing him.

"Good afternoon", Akaashi said nervously, feeling his heart beating painfully strong. He was there. He was real, it was really him. He felt about to cry, but his insecurity took over him once again, and thought that maybe he didn't remember him after all.

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