Chapter 22

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The next couple of weeks, Akaashi began his therapy. They did some tests and found out that he was capable of feeling, so there was no irreversible damage on his nerves, which meant he'd eventually move again.

But the physical therapy was tedious.

It was frustrating how little he advanced through the sessions. All those weeks working as hard as he could, and all he achieved was being able to sit for a while and talk a little more fluently, although it was still hard. He couldn't even eat, as he had trouble swallowing, so they had to feed him through a tube in his stomach.

The monotony of those days bored him and frustrated him. He got more anxious by the minute, thinking of all those possibilities about Bokuto. The thought of never being able to walk again, or never seeing him again, was just devastating.

He gave up for a few days. He didn't see the point of trying. He was barely advancing in moving, and what for? Maybe Bokuto was just something his mind made up. So why try? Why bother?

Depression took over him for those days, and that overwhelming tiredness never left him, so everything felt ten times more difficult.

During those days, her grandmother came to visit him frequently. She was the only family he'd left, since his parents died when he was around 17 and he was an only child. She was both shocked and thrilled to see him awake. She told him she visited him every week, praying, not losing hope, although doctors warned her about Akaashi's prognosis.

It made him happy to see her again, but that crushing sadness didn't go away.

Doctors and nurses tried to cheer him up, to encourage him to keep trying, but those words wouldn't reach him.

He cried almost everyday, and even began to think that it'd be easier to just finally die.

But then, he remembered Bokuto's smile. His laugh, his gorgeous eyes, the way he looked at him, his cheerful personality, his kisses and caresses.

And hope once again appeared in his heart.

He debated those thoughts for a few days, but ended up reaching a conclusion.

"If there's a chance, a mere possibility that everything was real, and that he remembers me… I have to see him again. I need to know if he remembers me".

From then, he made up his mind to work twice as hard on his physical therapy. It was frustrating how little improvement he had everyday, but he had to keep going. He had to recover. To see him again.

Months passed and sometimes his will faltered, but he always managed to encourage himself again. He cherished the little improvements, and that kept him going.

After three months, he was finally able to eat properly. He was relieved. He realised how much he missed eating.

Another month passed and little by little, he was getting better. He was also gaining some weight, and everyone was really happy for him, since he was practically skin and bones when he woke up.

Akaashi noticed the improvement in that aspect, since he remembered how shocked he was when he saw his body for the first time. His arms and legs were less than half of what he remembered.

That day, along with the kinesiologist, he was trying to stand up. He still felt his legs were extremely weak, but he kept trying, and finally, he was able to stand up and remain like that for a few seconds without support.

"You did it! You really did it!", the kinesiologist claimed, full of energy.

He still felt weak so he had to sit down after those seconds, but he felt hope gain power in his mind.

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