Chapter 7

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Bokuto began to think he was losing his mind.

It seemed like the memories of that man’s kisses were always in his head. His astonishing eyes were the first thing he saw whenever he closed his eyes, trying in vain to forget him. Sometimes, he even thought he saw him out of the corner of his eye, not sure if it was actually him purposefully tormenting him, or just his delusional imagination.

Only three days passed since he last saw him, but Bokuto felt them like weeks. He was mentally exhausted. Apparently, he couldn't fight the desire building up inside him, no matter how hard he tried. And in those moments, he remembered Akaashi's words, making him consider to actually give in and try it, one time, as he said. Maybe if it was one time…

No, he couldn't think like that. He was a priest. He shouldn't even consider committing a sin. What had happened to him? He felt disappointed in himself. And that disappointment grew even more once he realised he was thinking about Akaashi again. It was like a never ending cycle.

That night, Bokuto couldn't sleep again. Those thoughts fighting each other wouldn't let him rest. He got up from his bed and went to the living room, attempting to read for a while but stopping once he realised he couldn't focus.

He sat down on his couch, resting his elbows on his knees and grabbing his head, as if that would calm the storm he was feeling inside him.

He felt completely drained out. He just wanted it to stop, so he could have his normal life back.

Suddenly, he felt footsteps near him. He looked up, finding Akaashi at the entrance of the living room with his arms crossed.

They looked at each other for a few seconds. Akaashi seemed serious, like he was thinking about saying something. But Bokuto didn't want to hear him. He looked down to the floor, trying to ignore the man that had made his world upside down. He just wanted his mind to shut down.

Bokuto heard Akaashi's footsteps coming closer to him, and then he saw him standing right in front of him. He started to hear the sound of fabric rubbing against itself, and when he looked up, he straightened up in surprise as he saw Akaashi unbuttoning his white shirt.

Bokuto's eyes widened slightly as Akaashi's chest began to show. Little by little, Bokuto could see the man's tonified abdomen, as his breathing started to accelerate. Akaashi took off his shirt and Bokuto’s heart skipped a beat. He was extremely attractive.

Akaashi began to unzip his pants, watching gladly how Bokuto's eyes followed his hands. Slowly, he took them off, his underwear being the only clothes he had on. He saw Bokuto looking at him in awe, as his eyes went up until they met his own.

As soon as he looked at Akaashi's eyes, making that intense, seductive look, something inside Bokuto changed. He felt his will falter. Maybe it was because of how tired he was of trying to get rid of that desire lurking inside him, or maybe it was just seeing Akaashi's nearly naked body, but he finally felt his mind go blank as he got lost in those blue eyes.

Bokuto's expression made Akaashi walk towards him, without breaking eye contact. He leaned over until their noses almost touched. Strangely, the man’s golden coloured eyes didn't transmit a hint of doubt, and Akaashi knew that he wanted this as much as he did.

Akaashi leaned over a little more, his lips almost touching Bokuto's. Then, he started to kiss Bokuto's neck while his hands began to run over the man's chest, feeling him exhale once he reached his lower abdomen. Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's t-shirt and pulled it up, smiling when he put his arms up to make it easier for him to take off. Then, he kissed his chest, going down slowly, feeling Bokuto's defined muscles. Akaashi was pleasantly surprised. The priest’s clothes did a really good job at hiding that strong body.

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