Chapter 18

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After four hours by train and another hour by bus, they arrived at Bokuto's new house. It seemed like a quiet place, with plenty of trees around and fields between houses.

Akaashi thought it was indeed a quite neglected house. You could tell that no one took care of it for years. But it wasn't small, and had a pretty wide garden.

Bokuto got his suitcases inside the house, and Akaashi could materialize again. The grey-haired man greeted him cheerfully, and they began to clean the place and unpack Bokuto's stuff.

"Well, I guess that's it!", Bokuto claimed after a few hours.

"Bokuto, there's still a few more boxes to go".

"Huuuh?! Man, I'm so tired already!", Bokuto pouted.

"But there are just a few, so… I guess my duty here is done…", Akaashi said, not wanting to bother Bokuto with his presence, but he felt his chest tighter from expectation.

Bokuto looked up to him, confused.

"But if… I mean, if you don't have any plans… Maybe you could stay in this town! You can visit whenever you like, so… You don't have to leave, if you don't want to…".

He sounded nervous while he said that. But he really didn't want him to leave.

Akaashi smiled, relieved that Bokuto wasn't tired of him.

"Well, I guess I could see what this town's like".

Bokuto smiled widely at the news and laughed, before getting ready to unpack the last boxes.

It was a long day, so Bokuto got knocked out sleeping as soon as he laid on the bed. Akaashi chuckled at the sight, and then spent the night cleaning and getting everything in order.

Next day, Bokuto planned to go to town and look for a job. He was nervous. It's been years since he was in that situation. He was putting on some formal clothes to make a good impression, when suddenly, a thought crossed his mind.

"Akaashi?", said as he tried to put on his tie, walking to the living room towards the black-haired man.


"What did you do for a living?".

"Oh, right, I never told you. I was an editor in a sports magazine. I actually wanted to be in the literature department, but I lacked the experience to be there".

"Woaaa! No wonder you like to read!", he answered as he chuckled, still having trouble tying his tie. "Damn, this thing! It's been so long since I put one of these on", said as he tried to tie it, only managing to make a knot with it.

"Here, let me", said Akaashi as he grabbed the tie and, easily, put it in the right way.

While he did that, Bokuto's heart skipped a beat. Akaashi was really close. It's been a while since they even touched each other, so Bokuto began to feel nervous.

Akaashi looked up as his hands were on Bokuto's chest, meeting his golden eyes.

Bokuto began to feel himself blushing, so he quickly pulled back and headed to his bedroom.

"Well, I better get going!", said a little nervously while he grabbed his suitcase. "Thanks, Akaashi! See ya!".

"Good luck!", Akaashi answered.

The latter could notice as his hands were on Bokuto's chest. His heart rate was faster.

Could it be that he missed their former encounters? Maybe he was just too shy to talk about it.

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