Chapter 14

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Weeks passed and they got really used to each other's presence. It wasn't awkward at all, even when they read in silence for hours and hours.

Bokuto had plenty of work lately and was also studying a lot, sometimes sleeping very few hours because of it.

"Go to sleep already, it's 1 am and you have to get up early", Akaashi scolded Bokuto for the second time that night.

"Let me just finish this chapter and I'll go!".

"I didn't know priests had so many additional seminaries and courses to study for".

"Yeah, I mean, it's not an obligation, but I  signed up for this one months ago and I want to finish it as soon as possible".

"Do you have a deadline?".

"Not until four months, but I want to get it done quickly".

"Why, though? You're barely sleeping because of it".

"I just wouldn't like to study constantly for that long".

That wasn't a lie, since studying was kind of a struggle for him. It was just one of the reasons he had.

"Well, study tomorrow, you had enough for today".

"Five more minutes!".

Akaashi sighed. "Fine, whatever. I"ll go now", said before disappearing.

Bokuto read for a minute until he realised one of the loose pages he had for notes flew off the table. He picked it up, finding it odd since the window was closed.

A couple of seconds passed and the sheet flew again.

"Agaashi!!", Bokuto claimed pouting, pissed off as he realised he was doing this, coughing after it.

"You have to sleep!", Akaashi said as he materialized, getting a little distracted by the way Bokuto said his name, which amused him. "You've been coughing since yesterday. If you don't rest properly, it'll get worse".

"It's nothing, really".

"Well, I'm going to piss you off until you go to bed".

They looked at each other defiantly, until Bokuto sighed. He was indeed tired.

"Fine, fine, I'll go. Good night".

"Good night", Akaashi said, emphasizing every word.

As soon as Bokuto rested his head on the pillow, he fell deeply asleep. Akaashi looked at him for a while, chuckling when he started to snore, and remembering the way he said his name before. He thought it sounded unbelievably cute.

Next day came and Akaashi spent the morning walking through the fields near the town. It was something that really relaxed him. It helped him distract his mind from those dark thoughts he had once in a while, although they were a lot less frequent recently.

That was definitely due to Bokuto. His company made a good impact on him after all that time alone with his thoughts. And Bokuto was just one of those people that irradiated a certain light, a positive feeling that was contagious.

He smiled while thinking about it.

Afternoon arrived and Akaashi headed to Bokuto's house to read a new book he bought.

Bokuto arrived a few hours later, looking extremely tired.

"Hey", he said with little enthusiasm. His voice sounded odd.

"Hey, how was your day?".

"Good, nothing new. I'm just really tired".

Bokuto shrunk his shoulders and shivered. Akaashi found it odd, since autumn had just started and the day didn't seem to be cold.

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