𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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"Where those glasses were that made Cordelia Irvine look more sexy?!"<•><•><•><•>

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"Where those glasses were that made Cordelia Irvine look more sexy?!"

"No, not there, Miss Jones" I heard McGonagall yell at a first year while, yet again, I was late. "Seriously, this is like the dumbest batch of first years we have ever had!" I mumbled under my breath as I ran to Potions. "Out of the way!" I heard someone mumble as they pushed past me. "Watch where you're going-" I rolled my eyes as I saw a glimpse of white blonde hair, "Manwhore"

"Oh, thank God!" I said breathing heavily as I reached the classroom. "Really?" Cho asked as she stood next to Cedric. "Oh, come on, I came back late from my duties, ask Cedric, we were roaming the halls together" I said as Cedric yawned, "But then again, I don't have to tell you he came late" I said as Cho hit me with her book.

"Alright, good morning students" Professor Slughorn said as he walked into the class with a book in his hand. "Okay, I have prepared a few concoctions today" I sighed as a whiff of mint filled my nose, "Hey, pretty lady" Marvin whispered bending to my height. "Hey, Marvin" I said blushing... just a little.

"Can anyone tell me what these might be?" I already knew what they were, well, Y/N did and Cordelia did as well. I raised my hand as I heard the others groan, "Yes, Miss... Irvine, isn't it?" I nodded, "Um, this one here, is Veritaserum" He nodded happily, "It's also called the truth telling potion" I walked over to the other potion as Slughorn opened the lid, and there it was again...


"Eh, um, this, here, is..." I looked back at Marvin, he was standing way far away for me to smell his scent again, "Amortentia— oh, um, the love potion" I continued as he closed the lid.

Wait! Am I attracted to Marvin, in this reality?

But I never scripted him or that I was attracted to someone.

"Very good, Miss Irvine!" I smiled proudly and went back to Marvin. "Know-it-all" Reid mumbled under his breath making Marvin elbow his stomach and wink at me. "Alright, now let's get to brewing. Page 43, come on, quick, quick"

Oh, hell no!

"Um, excuse me, Professor" I said making him turn around, "We all heard that Harry won the Liquid Luck" I said opening my book, "And I think, everyone already knows what Liquid Luck is, so don't you think we should have that fair chance as well?" He fumbled with his words, "Erm, Miss Irvine, well, it's-"

"I don't think Dumbledore would appreciate you being biased, would he?"

Oh, what the hell am I talking about? He always favors Harry.

"Yeah, well, alright, any student who makes an acceptable draught of the living death will be awarded with this small vial of Liquid Luck. The recipe will be found on the page 10 of your books" I smiled widely opening my book and taking my place at the desk with Cedric. "You're excited?" He half asked, half said.

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