Chapter 37

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TW: slight panic attack

"You have another compound?" Nyx asked as she moved closely to Bucky's side.


They all began to make their way to the secret compound. This was only used in case of emergencies. Tony scanned his hand and the hidden door slid open, allowing them entry.

They walked inside and looked around in awe, the fresh new white walls, the glass windows, everything looked so perfect and brand new.

Tony guides them to the living room so they can all sit down and rest. Everyone took a seat on the giant couch, and Nyx sat closely next to Bucky.

Bucky put his arm around her, pulling her close and played with a couple of strands of her hair.

"That was fun." Nyx said, hoping to ease the tension.

"Not the time." Steve said as he leaned back on the couch.

"Hey Nyx, where'd you get that potion?" Sam asked as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees to get a better view of her.

"I stole it."



"Ah." Sam nodded his head as he leaned back.

"Why did you take it?" Tony now asked.

"I knew he was sending me to betray you guys. This was just a precaution just in case I'd get hurt. I guess it came in handy." Nyx explained as she yawned.

"Oh, uh by the way, thank you for saving our lives." Tony sincerely said.

"Anytime." Nyx said as she felt her eyes drooping.

Bucky noticed her slowed breathing and softly picked up her legs and placed them over his. He pulled her close and stroked her back.

Steve noticed she was asleep and decided to speak up.

"Nyx saved our lives today."

"Yeah and to think you wanted to leave her." Bucky said harshly, not making eye contact with him.


"Dont Steve." Wanda warned, her thick accent shining through, "Nyx almost gave her life to save each and every one of us. Next time, think before you try and be the hero." Wanda scolded.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize to us. Apologize to her." Wanda said, pointing over to Nyx.

"I will." Steve said and he ran his hands through his hair.

"Let's shower, then call it a night." Tony announced as him and Peter left the room.

Everyone slowly began leaving until it was just Bucky and Wanda.

"You should go clean up." Bucky told her as he yawned.

"So should you."

"I will. Once I know she's okay."

"Then I guess we're going to be here all night. Better get comfortable." Wanda said as she stretched out her legs and fluffed out a pillow.


"Yeah. I've grown fond of her, I'm not going to leave." Wanda said as she cracked a smile.

Bucky smiled at her words, "Want to know something?"

Wanda nodded.

"The first night we hung out, I told her she needed real friends... I'm glad she has you Wanda."

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