Chapter 12

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18+ and TW: panic attack and mentions of miscarriage, and removal of uterus. 

Nyx pulled Grant away from the others, "How did you even get them?"

"Well, I held a gun to Jemma's head and for Daisy, powerdamning cuffs and a sedative. Easy."

"Okay showoff, and Jason is going to help us and I don't want to hear it."

Nyx said as she saw Grant open his mouth. He sighed then walked over to the girls and pulled down their gag.

"Nyx! Don't do this! You can change, you can be better. If you let us go, I promise you won't be the villain everyone paints you out to be." Daisy pleads.

Nyx begins to look down feeling doubtful, and she knows this is wrong.

"Ah ah, before you go doubting yourself, I recently drank this potion that whoever kills me will ultimately become evil. If you don't go through with this plan, I will. You know what that means right munch."

Nyx looks up knowing exactly what he means, "I would have to kill you."

"Bingo." Jason smirked at Nyx.

Nyx took a deep breath and walked over to Daisy, "I truly am sorry about this." Nyx put her hand to Daisy's head and green flowed out of her hand to Daisy's mind and she did the same to Jemma.

"Alright they are mind controlled, lets go over the plan shall we?" Nyx said as she walked back upstairs. The men shared a glance and headed back upstairs.

"Okay so when Stark finds the base where all the super soldiers are, I'll teleport us there and I'll mind control them. I'll head back to the avengers so nothing looks suspicious, and then when the avengers get there, the super soldiers attacks first to get them weak. Then we attack. Daisy, Jason, Grant and me. Then we have Jemma on stand by if we get hurt. Then we'll obviously beat them, and our revenge will be served." Nyx said as she was pacing around the room.

"Sounds like a good plan munch. But couldn't you take them down on your own?"

"Yes, I can."

"So why don't you?"

"Where's the fun in that? If I wanted to do all the hard work, they would be dead by now. Anyway, stay here or not I'm going to shower and get all this blood off of me. See you two tomorrow." Nyx said, leaving the two men to look at each other and shrug.

Nyx rushed upstairs to her room and went into the bathroom and slammed the door. She leaned against the door and slowly slid down it. Her breathing picked up and she felt like she couldn't breathe. Her hands began to shake, and her vision blurred. Nyx shut her eyes trying to clear her mind but the only thing she kept hearing was her own voice, telling her this isn't right. Nyx began to think of the place she felt the safest, and when she opened her eyes, she was sitting on the floor of her mothers diner.

Eloise jumped to the sound of someone's unsteady breathing, -not knowing anyone was here- she saw Nyx.

She immediately ran towards Nyx and brought her hands to Nyx's face and picked her head up.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?"

"M-mommy.." Nyx could barely let out.

"Yes it's me baby, you're having a panic attack, I need you to focus on my breathing okay? Breath with me. In and out." Eloise started to breathe in and out and Nyx began to focus on her breathing, doing the same thing she was.

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