Chapter 22

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~Flashback to 2017~

Nyx walked through the alleyway that leads to the compound. She recently got word that the avengers were there for the time being. She took it as her chance to attack.

When she went inside, there were no guards or staff and she found that a little weird. She decided to take the stairs because the elevator would be too loud.

She made her way to the 13 floor, and slowly peeked her head out from the wall. She saw Steve, Nat, Wanda, Bruce, Sam, Rhodey, and some red guy. She tried to look into the red guy's mind but she couldn't.

She slowly stepped out from behind the wall, smirked as she tiptoed towards them. Sam was the closest to her, so she decided she should teleport.

She teleported behind him and put him into a headlock, putting a knife by his throat. The team snapped their heads towards Sam gasping at what Nyx was doing.

Wanda's hand immediately glowed red, and everyone tensed up.

"Isn't this a lovely reunion?" Nyx said as everyone stared at her.

"Not up for talking today, got it. Anyway, it's really good to see you all, for the time being."

"What do you want Nyx?" Steve questioned her.

"I want to see you die." Nyx said as she mind controlled Steve and he immediately threw his shield at Wanda. Luckily Wanda was able to react quickly and threw her hands out in front of her, making the shield hit her red barrier.

Nyx quickly mind controlled Sam, and he began to charge at Rhodey. Rhodey quickly flew out the window, with Sam falling closely behind.

Nat took her chance and ran up towards Nyx, she swung at her and Nyx stopped it with her mind.

"I don't think so." Nyx said as she threw Nat through the window. Nat began falling out the window and Rhodey saw her. He began to fly to where she was whilst dodging bullets Sam is shooting.

He catches her before she falls, and flies up and places her on the roof before flying off again.

Bruce tried to hulk out but the big guy didn't let him so he ran and hid behind furniture.

Nyx turned to look at Vision.

"Hi, don't believe we met. Nyx Solus." Nyx introduced herself.

"I know who you are, Ms. Solus. I would advise you to leave and stop this before people get hurt." Vision told her.

"Them getting hurt is the whole idea." She smirked at him before shooting at him with her gun. Vision phased through the bullets and started to walk closer to Nyx.

"What are you?" Nyx mumbled to herself, as she began to let her shadows out.

Her shadows started to wrap around Vision and somehow he couldn't phase through. Nyx smirked seeing him trying to phase through but he couldn't.

Nyx's shadows disappeared when she was slammed into the wall by Wanda's telekinesis. Nyx groaned as she got up, and sent a wave of her own powers towards Wanda. Wanda tried to hold back what Nyx was throwing at her, but Nyx was too strong.

Wanda slammed into the wall and felt blood dripping from her head. She groaned, and got back up.

"Finally a fair fight." Nyx said as her eyes glowed green and so did her hands. Wanda began to do the same thing, but her hands and eyes glowing red.

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