Chapter 11

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Nyx teleported outside someone's house and fell to her knees. She began banging on the door, hoping he still lived here. After a few knocks, no one answered. Nyx began to yell, "Jason, come on, I know you're there!" She continued to bang out on the door.

Jason opened the door to find her on the floor about to bleed out. He instantly picks her up and shuts the door with his foot and walks her over to his table.

"Please, Jason. Heal me."

"Hey munch, glad you finally came for a visit." Jason said as he rummaged through his drawers.

"I'm serious...please?"

"You know it'll cost ya."

"....I know. Can we discuss this deal later, I'm trying not to die!" Nyx exclaimed as she choked out blood.

"Yeah, yeah one sec munch." Jason then found what he needed, a small potion bottle and he shook it up and began to pour it all over her two bullet wounds.

The bullet wounds instantly healed and the two bullets popped out of her stomach.

"That's it?"

"Yup. New and improved potion, been working on it for months and it's safe to say it works." Jason said as he put the potion back in its case, and threw it in the drawer.

"Wait you're telling never tried the potion before?"


"It could've killed me!" Nyx exclaimed as she sat up rubbing her forehead.

"But you're alive...aren't you not?" He turned to look at her. He tilted his head eyeing her clothes and said, "You might want to change out of that munch, it looks a little...bloody."

"Yeah no shit. Nyx said as she swung her feet over the table, sitting up now. "Okay Jason, what do you need?"

"It's been over 3 years and no 'how are you'?"

"Ha, where are my manners? Let me try this again. What do you want?"

"Hmm well don't put me on the spot munch, I need to think."

Nyx sighed, Jason always had been one of those people who you love so much but they irritate the hell out of you.

Jason; Nyx's old best friend from Hydra, an amazing scientist who has powers..surprised? It's Hydra. He's tall, he has a tan skin tone and brown eyes and hair.  He makes potions in his free time and Hydra found out about it, and told him to make more and new ones. He refused, so they killed his family. Then he was pretty much forced to agree.

Nyx and Jason hit it off and they were thick as thieves, until one day Jason betrayed Nyx in the worst way possible.

"Did you figure it out?" Nyx impatiently asked, she wanted to go back and see if everyone was okay.

"Actually yes. I did."

"That is...?"

"I want in on whatever your plans are for the avengers."

"How did you even know?"

"Your fuck toy."

"Grant." Nyx didn't even have to question it. She knew Grant would say something to the wrong person, but she hoped he became smarter over the years.

"Yes. Didn't I tell you to never trust your toys...I guess you never learn."

"Shut it Jas."

"As you please."

"Okay so you want in? That's it?"

"Yes, that is all I want. I'll swing by your house and we'll discuss."

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