Chapter 33

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Wanda barged into Bucky's room to see him lying on his bed, typing something on his phone.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she sat on his bed.

"I'm ordering something."

"What is it?"

Bucky stopped what he was doing and looked at her, "What do you want and don't you know how to knock? What if I was naked?."

"Then I would've seen you naked."

Bucky scoffed as he went back on his phone.

"So what are you buying?"

"None of your business."

"Something for Nyx?"

Bucky didn't respond as he pressed the check out button, paying with Sam's card he stole. Bucky turned off his phone and sat up straight.

"Get to the point."

Wanda stood up and crossed her arms.

"It's been a week. A whole week and you and Nyx haven't talked. She's depressed and she sleeps all day and truthfully I don't know what to do!" Wanda exclaimed as Bucky sighed.

"She sleeps to avoid her problems, it's not healthy."

"Yeah, I've noticed. She sleeps all day and I feel bad. She won't open up to me."

"I know. She needs time, her mother was the only thing keeping her sane and now she's gone. You don't really get over that." Bucky said as Wanda nodded.

"No I know, I just need for you two to talk. She kicks in her sleep."

Bucky laughed, "Yeah she does that a lot."

"I know you miss her and today I'll try and get her to leave my room."

"I do. I just don't know if she wants to see me, all things considered." Bucky said, looking down at his lap.

"Trust me, she does. She's scared that's all."

"How do you know?"

"Her mind barrier has been going up and down recently so I subconsciously take a peak."

"Ah, okay. Let me know if you make progress with her."

"Will do." Wanda started to leave his room then turned back to look at him. "Oh and take a shower please." She sent him a sweet smile as Bucky stuck up his middle finger.

Wanda left as she closed the door, leaving Bucky all alone.


"Nyx, I swear to god-"

"Shut up." Nyx said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Finally you're up." Jason said in relief.

"Yeah, what the fuck do you want?"

"Files, and a password."

"Where at?"

"Files room, and to Stark's office."

Nyx tiredly teleported to the files room, "Which ones?"

"Let me see.....third cabinet, fifth row. The one with the red tape on it, I believe."

Nyx opens the third cabinet on the fifth row and pulls out the only red folder. She opened it and began to look inside of it.

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