31.D.OF.D. - Chapter 14

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They finished eating and they're about to go out but the fans who doesn't know what privacy is are still sitting outside of the restaurant.

"What should we do?" Sunoo asked Sunghoon.

"Call Jay" Sunghoon took his phone from his pocket and pressed Jay's number.

"Hello?" Jay answered.

"We need help" Sunghoon spoke.

"About what?" Jay responded.

"Well it's like there's a zombie apocalypse here and there are zombies waiting for us outside the restaurant" Sunghoon explained.

"Zombies? Just punch them in their faces or maybe break their bones" Jay replied.

"I can't do that, they're fans or should I say crazy ones they just resemble as a zombie. You know the saesangs that we encountered at the airport? there's a bunch of them here, I don't know if they're all saesangs or not but yeah, we need help" 

"Why are you there in the first place? we're supposed to have dancing lessons and we just told the instructor that you and Sunoo have a fever. You'll get a one big scolding from Heeseung hyung, he's worrying about you two" Jay stated.

"We'll just worry about that later or maybe tomorrow but can you please help us?" Sunghoon asked.

"Where are you?" Jay asked.

"You know that restaurant wherein you're a VVIP near namsan tower? we're here but there's a lot of zombies outside so you should be careful" Sunghoon explained.

"Wait for us there" Jay stated and ended the call.

"Did he just say us?" Sunghoon mumbled.

"He'll probably bring the other members too" Sunoo responded.

A few minutes later Jay arrived at the restaurant with the other members.

"Wait- There's an entrance there?" Sunoo asked when he saw the other members come from another door.

"Yeah" Jay responded.

"Okay, let's go home now" Sunoo was about to walk towards the back door but Jay held his wrist preventing him from walking.

"What?" Sunoo looked at Jay.

"What do you mean what? we just got here, let's go and eat, my treat" Jay stated.

"But we just a-" 

"No buts" Jay mumbled and so they all sat on the big table.

"It's almost 11 pm and they'll probably get tired and go home, let's leave after they leave, that way we can go outside freely" Heeseung stated.

"I'll scold you two later at home, or maybe not cause I might forget to do so" Heeseung added.

"Right.. Why are you two here?" Jungwon asked.

"We went to the tower" Sunghoon responded.

"Wait- don't tell me you two put a love lock cause you're together again.." Jake wiggled his eyebrows to tease them.

"Silly, we went there to find our lock from before and to get rid of it" Sunoo replied.

"So did you get rid of it?" Ni-ki looked at them.

"Yeah" Sunoo nodded.

"Why did you get rid of it though?" Jay mumbled.

"So that we can put a new one when we get back together" Sunghoon explained.

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