31.D.OF.D. - Chapter 8

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Since they debuted they got 10x more busier than before.

They filmed a lot for some variety shows.

They're on the practice room and Sunghoon went out for some fresh air.

"Oh, I just remembered that Sunghoons birthday is coming right?" Jake spoke out of nowhere and looked at Sunoo.

"Yeah, so what?" Sunoo asked in a confused tune.

"You know, maybe we can surprise him" Jake mumbled.

"Yeah, everyone in this room knows that you want him back too, Sunghoon is the only one who doesn't know" Heeseung said while practicing his dance.

"Oh speaking of Sunghoon, he once asked me whether do you want him back too or not but he said that he doesn't want to hope for such things cause it'll just make him disappointed" Jake explained and that made Sunoo think.

"Really? Yes I still want him and I still love him.. it's just that I'm scared that it'll happen again.." Sunoo thought to himself.

"Sunghoon's such a dumbass" Jay spoke that made the others laugh.

"Why'd he broke up with you from the first place again?" Jay added and Sunoo felt a bit down.

Jungwon noticed that Sunoo got a bit sad when Jay asked so he slightly smaked his arms.

"What was that fo-" Jay didn't finished his sentenced because Jungwon pointed Sunoo with his eyes.

"Sorry" Jay cutely said.

"No need to apologize, it's alright" Sunoo and the other members laughed since it's been so long since they saw Jay pout.

"So are you gonna answer my question then?, I'm just curious" Jay asked Sunoo again.

"What question?" Sunghoon asked and went inside the practice room.

Jay didn't notice  that Sunghoon was the one speaking because he's so curious so he replied without realizing whom he's talking to.

"Why did you and Sunghoon broke up?"

The other members got shocked that Jay replied to Sunghoon.

"You said Sunghoon is a dumbass but after all this time you're a dumbass too" Jungwon said and that made Jay confused.

He realized that the other members are looking at the back so he turned around and saw Sunghoon and that made him realize what he've done.

"Well, yeah Jay's right I'm a fucking dumbass who broke up with his lover. So here's the answer to your question.." Sunghoon sighed.

"I liked Jake but all this time it was just a friendly thing because I realized that Jake is just my soulmate, and so when I got drunk on my birthday I unintentionally told Sunoo that we should break up and so yeah that's what happened. In short I'm a dumbass just like what Jay said" Sunghoon explained and continued what he's practicing earlier.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward.

Heeseung tried to help so he spoke up.

"Uhm, anyone wanna go on the garden with me?"

"Me" The other members said except Sunoo and Sunghoon.

They all stood up and went outside and closed the door and went straight to the garden.

"I shouldn't have said that huh?" Jay said and they all went inside the elevator.

"I actually think that leaving them both in the practice room will make them make up" Niki said.

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