thirty five. the way it shouldn't have happened

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PAIGE WAS RELIEVED. There was an antidote to the virus killing the werewolves they fought along side with. In a hurry and being cautious of how much time the teens had left, Melissa hurriedly called her ex-husband, Rafael who was at the school about the reishi mushrooms in the vault.

The FBI agent didn't understand any of it or why it was so important, but he went along with it and tried to find a way to get inside the school which was quarantined. Followed by Satomi, Derek and Paige left the morgue in hurry to get to the school. "We have to get to the school"Derek said sternly.

"What about the others at lookout point?"Satomi asked them as they stopped outside the double doors, but before either of them could answer, a ding came from the elevator down the hall. The doors opened to reveal a tall blonde woman with an angry look on her face when she held up a gun at them.

The woman started stepping out of the elevator, aiming for Satomi which made Derek jump in front of her before she could shoot, taking Paige with him and holding her close. It was also to dodge the woman before they got shot too. The first bullet was fired as Satomi whipped out a small steel weapon with a pointy edge.

But she dodged the first one, more bullets were fired and the old alpha dodged them all. She got nearer to the assassin, dodging the bullet's still when Satomi stabbed the woman in the neck. It made her drop the gun onto the floor by her feet.

Satomi took the weapon out the girls skin and she dropped to the floor as the blood started to spill everywhere. The alpha spun the weapon through her fingers as Melissa and Alan came out the morgue from hearing the gunshots at the same time Derek and Paige stood up, all of them looking at Satomi.

"I may have learned to control my anger, but I still know when to use it"


At the school in the vault, Scott had broken the jar of reishi mushrooms which filled the air and cure the creatures in the area that were infected. But prior to that, Malia and Selina discovered the deadpool inside of the jacket that Stiles wrapped around Malia before he left.

When they found it, they found their names. Their real ones. Malia Hale and Selina Hale. Selina was more shocked than Malia, she was a McCall, not a Hale, but it was when she looked back to all that happened from when Paige came back from the dead and until then.

Derek was more overprotective of her than ever, so was the rest of the pack. Why the letters 'LW' were planted behind her ear along with the backwards 5 when she was attacked by the Oni. They stood for Lost Wolf, which was who the Calavera's were trying to find, the lost daughter of Derek and Paige.

She overheard snippets of when Paige was tortured.

How she could be a born wolf when she had two human parents. Everything that was wrong about who she was made sense. She knew the truth. When Stiles came back and everyone was better, Malia didn't say a word and as soon as the door opened, Selina stood up and left immediately, giving Scott a death glare on her way out.

Selina moved through the crowd in a rush after taking her bag from Ken's room, she wanted the hell out of the school and not taking to anyone. But when she was headed for her bicycle, she was stopped by a familiar voice. "Selina!"They cried out and Selina turned her head to see the new addition to the pack. Liam. "I heard the school was quarantined, I wanted to see if you were okay"

"Get away from me"Selina hissed as she got to the bike stands, unlocking the cable that was securing her bike to the metal pole. There was a moment of silence before Liam spoke up again. "They were gonna tell you at some point..."He stated with a breathly sigh and Selina stopped and turned round.

"You knew?"She asked surprised as Liam stood in guilt. "You, the new beta of the pack, knew as well?". "Scott made me swear that I wouldn't say anything!"Liam argued and Selina let out a scoff.

"I've just learnt the hardest way possible that my whole life has been a lie right from the very beginning, I think it would've been fine if you broke a few rules and told me yourself..."Selina explained sternly. "I didn't wanna say anything, because-"Liam reasoned, but he trailed off, nervous to say what he planned to next. "Because-"

"Spit it out!"Selina demanded, giving Liam a slight scare. "I didn't wanna say anything, because I wouldn't want you ignoring the person you like..."Liam finished and Selina's eyebrows curled in confusion. "What?"She asked, looking for more clarification. "I know you like me..."Liam revealed. "I got the hint when you came to me at lunch that day after I turned"

Selina grunted with her eyes closed before taking in a deep breath. "That didn't mean anything!"She stated. "I only did that to get you to come to the lake house"Liam's face went blank

"So you-"

"No, I don't like you!"Selina said furiously. "It was only apart of the plan, it was all fake. So whatever feelings you have for me, just get rid of them! Because it wasn't real, it was fake...". "Don't say that, please"Liam pleaded, stepping closer to the werewolf. "It was real to me"

"Too bad, Liam"Selina spat, turning around to her bike. She took the cable off, putting it in her backpack before throwing it over her shoulders. Selina gripped the handles on her bike, pulling it out of the thing that was holding it and she hopped on the seat when something else stopped her.


From hearing the deep voice behind her, she desperately wanted to ignore him and ride off on her bike, but considering she just found out that she was his daughter all this time, Selina decided to stay and she turned her head to see Derek and Paige looking at the werewolf. Even if there was a crap ton of information processing in her head.

Selina knew her life had just changed for the better.

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