twenty four. past derek

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PAIGE GOT VIVID FLASHBACKS  ALL THE WAY BACK TO BEACON HILLS, it was seeing the younger version of Derek, it crept her out more than how excited she was to see her boyfriend after months

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PAIGE GOT VIVID FLASHBACKS  ALL THE WAY BACK TO BEACON HILLS, it was seeing the younger version of Derek, it crept her out more than how excited she was to see her boyfriend after months. She hid her panic whilst she drove the pack back to California and to the animal clinic, what happened to Derek wasn't something they thought was possible.

So they decided to take the Hale to Deaton and see if he knew how to reverse it somehow, but no one in the pack knew about it either. Malia and Kira were dropped off at their houses before their last stop at the clinic, Selina had put on a hoodie that Paige brought for her since it was now pouring of rain outside which made her cold.

Before bringing Derek into the clinic, they had to tell Scott's boss what they found out in Mexico, like Kate being alive and now a were-jaguar, and of course what Derek turned out to look like after the woman captured him. The boys grabbed the unconscious sour wolf they knew from the jeep and brought him inside with help of Paige.

Alan cleared the large metal table and propped Derek onto it, giving him a clear view of what the problem as, but he gave a different reaction than the group hoped for. "Wow"Alan choked out.

"Wow?"Stiles asked. "Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do' kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for...". "I think you might be overestimating my abilities"Alan suggested, looking at the boy with a stressed look on his face when Paige looked at Derek, wrapping her hand round his which turned out to be quite cold .

"He's cold, really cold"Paige informed the veterinarian worryingly and Alan started to examine him when Paige's heart skipped a beat as a thought crossed her mind if Alan hadn't seen something like this before. "Do you think this is permanent?"

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate"Alan stated, shining the torch to Derek's responsive eyes before turning it off. "This is well beyond my experience". "So what do we do with him?"Stiles questioned. "Until he wakes up, probably not much"Alan informed. "It might be best to leave him with me, he'll be safe here...."

"You mean from Kate?"Paige asked him, worried about her boyfriends safety. "If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate"Alan assured seriously, facing the group upon him. 

"Why would she want do this to him?"Lydia wondered as Paige fixed the blanket that was wrapping Derek up with the help of Scott to ease her anxiety and to calm her down since he noticed the many questions she was asking, how fast she was driving the jeep and how shaky her hands were, not because of how cold it was from the rain.

Paige was terrified of losing Derek and Scott knew that damn well since he'd lost Allison not long ago and nearly lost his best friend, he knew the exact feeling of it. The alpha knew how important the couple meant to each other and how they would do anything to be together after Paige was brought back.

Scott didn't hate her for not telling everyone that Derek was missing and Kate was still alive, even if it wasted a trip to Mexico, but like its already been said before, Paige was too nervous to tell since she was still new and everyone was finally at peace after the nogistune, despite losing a few people along the way.

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