"I'll do it!"

Lydia stopped her useless rambling and stayed quiet when she noticed Selina's point on using her to lure Liam to the lake house instead of Kira. "That could work..."She thought to herself as the rest looked at her in agreement. "Your the same age, your both freshmen, plus it increases your chances of him liking you". "What?"Selina asked confused as she quirked an eyebrow.

"You like Liam"Lydia casually specified and Selina dropped her jaw at the accusation. "Bullshit, Lydia..."She spat. "I've only known the guy for 22 hours, I'm not that devoted to love...". "You've been timing it?"Stiles stepped in confused. "You'll be impressing him..."Lydia reminded teasingly, ignoring Stiles side comment.

"Of course I know that"Selina groaned before letting out a deep exhale. "I'll do it for 20 bucks". "Wha-No!"Lydia protested in denial. "Hand it over"Selina said bluntly, holding out her hand for the 20 dollars. "It was your idea!"Lydia reminded nervous. "If you want this done, I need to be paid..."Selina stated and it took Lydia a moment before reaching into her pocket.

The strawberry blonde pulled out a 20 dollar bill and shoved it in the werewolf's hand sadly, causing Selina to smile in triumph. "I was gonna use that for my lunch"Lydia murmured in defeat. "And I'm gonna use this for Nirvana merch, deal with it..."Selina stated as she placed the 20 dollar bill in her bra behind her red button up shirt. "So when are we doing this?"

"As soon as we can"Scott answered. "Go gentle, he's a gentle guy..."Kira advised, putting a hand on her boyfriend's sisters shoulder. "Who's now a pissed off werewolf..."Malia added. That's when the best idea and the only one that had the highest chance of success rang into the girls mind.

"I have a plan"

For the plan to succeed, Selina had to prune herself up, or in other words, make herself hotter than she already was. Seduction, that's what the girl was gonna do. She took her hair down and styled her shirt in a way which would make Liam stunned for days with a little bit of eyeliner and lipstick.

"Most freshmen boys still have their virginity, and a girl being sexy to them as a way of flirting gives them a little hint of what it feels like to be 'wooed'..."Selina explained, fixing her necklace as she walked to the benches outside for lunch, the pack trailing behind her.

"Totally"Lydia agreed simply when they stopped at the corner after noticing a strained Liam talking to his friend Mason. "You guys sit at that table, I'll do my thing and Scott, you listen in"Selina instructed, facing her friends before she smiled ear to ear in excitement. "I feel like Britney Spears out of her 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' music video..."

"You look hot"Malia said bluntly. "I know..."Selina agreed, scrunching her nose before taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Okay, I'm ready for seduction...". "Good luck"Kira said with a small grin as the park started walking away with their lunch. Without even taking a moment, Selina went right into the battle zone and approached Liam.

"Liam?"She spoke in a surprised tone and the young boy turned to her. "Selina..."He said stunned. "Mason told me you ran to school, I've been looking for you everywhere"Selina informed worryingly, playing with her hands when she noticed his unbroken leg. "I thought you broke your leg at lacrosse tryouts?"

Liam looked down at it and back up at Selina who gave him a concerned look. "It popped out the socket, had it put back in"He replied nervously and Selina could definitely hear his heart pounding from all the way on the other side of the campus from how loud it was, indicating that he was lying.

"Poor baby..."Selina said sympathetically, putting a hand on his upper arm with a pout and her touch gave Liam a surprise. "I was really worried about you, but at least you still look hot". "I-I do?"He asked with a stutter with a soft look on his face while Selina took away her hand gradually, putting it and her other hand behind her back

"Yeah, of course you do"Selina agreed, looking at the boy up and down while biting on her lip until she got to the actual topic. "Actually I need to ask you something". "W-What's up?"Liam wondered curiously.

"D'you know Lydia Martin?"Selina asked the boy. "She has strawberry blonde hair, cool sense of style, looks like a real life Kim possible?". "I know of her"Liam thought to himself.

"Well, she's having this huge party at her lake house tonight, and everyone knows she throws the best parties in Beacon Hills"Selina explained as she fixed her skirt was short, but she just rolled it up for what she was doing. "I was thinking, maybe, you would wanna come with?"

"What?"Liam said confused after zoning out, admiring on how Selina looked until he got back to what they were talking about in the first place. "Oh, yeah, sure, I-I'll go with you". "Great, but my friend Kira'll have to drive you since I don't have my licence yet..."Selina informed when she put on the same pout again. "I'm all for breaking rules, but it's too risky..."

"Tell her 8 o'clock'll be good"Liam decided. "See you then"Selina said with a small nod before slowly leaning into Liam's ear. "This'll be the best night of your life, I promise"She pulled back from him, slightly biting her lip again as she walked away. "Hot damn"Liam murmured, causing Selina to turn around.

"What?"She asked innocently. "Oh, nothing..."Liam lied nervously before giving her a wave. "See you in English"Selina gave the boy a small nod before turning around and walking away to the bench where the rest of the pack was with a proud and confident grin on her face.

Selina's seduction had worked.

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