I simply roll my eyes and we drive to the performance center.

The ride was quiet, random small talk here and there but not much of a deep conversation or a topic that brought up one. I'm a passionate person myself so when it comes to those types of conversations it doesn't really bode well for the other party.

Anyways I'm now at the WWE Performance Center, obviously with Randy.

We set down out stuff and start training, it begins with lock ups and Irish whips into the ropes. We work on rope combinations as well, with leap frogs over opponents and dropping below.

I already knew most of this since it's the first in ring training you learn but the practice is good.

Moving on, we start slams onto the mat, such as different types of suplexes, side slams, crosssbody, I performed them and took them.

"You okay?" He asks me after I just received maybe my fifth cross body.

I nod in response. He shrugs but then says, "let's take a break." He says to which i nod in response.

I notice that he is strict with his training, we don't goof around in the ring, mainly because we also need to keep eachother safe in the ring as well making it look good.

30 minutes later.

We get back in the ring and start submission, mainly choke holds, ones from the mat, the guillotine, sleeper hold, at the end of that we go to body part submission, like arm bars, knee bar, abdominal stretch, it was a little difficult but in the end I got the hang of it, sort of.

Finally finishers, we didn't do much of it but I did fine 2 that i like the most, it's where you start as if you're going to put them up for the rack attack but instead of dropping on your knees you lift them over and slam then face first I the mat while also sitting down, the other is the shinning wizard, it's fast, and can come out at anytime, if your in control and i get even an ounce of energy, boom, shinning wizard knocks you out.

As for submissions, i like the arm bar the most, (Ronda Rousey type) arm bar. If it wasn't that then it would be the cross face.

I do intend to be an all round wrestler, we able to work on the mat technically but also do high-flying stunts, and a submission specialist. So, obviously I have alot more to learn. Most of the slams we did were if you will say the easiest kinds, I still would like to learn the suicide dive, or moonsault or shooting star press. But i do know the rest of the week are going to become harder and Randy won't be the only person I'll be training with. But in addition I would wanna throw a good strike or too so some MMA training and boxing doesn't sound too bad but, baby steps Alex, baby steps.

Friday Night Smackdown

I'm walking down the halls to catering with my mom, she's holding the paper for the match card tonight in hand. Since the WWE Network isn't fully up and running this is what is happening so far.

We walk into the room seeing everyone stop their talking and turn to us, she silently walks up and pins the paper on the work, now that I'm seeing it, I see every match, except....a divas match.

She walks off leaving me standing there staring at it. The murmuring begins, or what matches is what, most of the divas sulking and saddened that they can't perform tonight.

But i hear one thing that makes me question almost everything that's really going on here. Backstage.

"Look at her, she feels she's the Boss just because of her mom and dad, when they don't even know how to deal with this themselves." Someone says in a female voice.

No Authority [Alexis McMahon]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя